Loserville Challenge 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    checking in on Monday!

    Rach - think you're right about personal challenges... If everyone is happy with that we can all set our own goals for this week...

    Mine is to stay under my cals all week... I seem to have gone over a couple of times last week, some by a few cals other times by loads so going to keep that in check this week to finally try and get back under the 260lbs mark...

    As I weigh on a Friday now my weight for this check in is 262.6lbs as per Friday....

    I agree with Jen too about weighing after a big exercise sesh... Muscle retains water to allow it to repair itself - it should come off again... The idea about the muscle soak in the bath is great I should take that advice too!

    Gym at some point today and I'm also going to do a week of 30ds so I guess that's another personal challenge! 7 days of 30ds....
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    oh and can I make a request? When posting our weights can we actually post the weight and not "down 1 lb" or "up 0.2lb" just so I know I have the right weight for you each week...

    Hope those of you using kg don't mind me converting your weights into lbs either.... easier for the purposes of seeing who's lost the most!

  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Where is everyone? Haven't heard from Becci in a while... or Nikki? Things seem really quiet on the thread....

    I'm here! I've been away over the weekend, so haven't had a chance to check in before this. Loving the idea for the week too. Today is weigh in day, so I'll be back in a couple of hours to do a proper check in. :)

    Keep losing losers. :)
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Sorry about that claire, I do usually post my actual weight, I was a bit stunned this morning. My weight this week is 169.5lb. I'm wondering about weighing more often, because if I'd have known my weight on saturday wasn't so high I wouldn't feel so down about it. I'm trying to not let it bother me, but it's like 3 weeks loss back in a week!

    I'm sooooooooo tired it's untrue. I was going to go for a run or something this evening, as all I've done today is 10 mins of skipping! I'm well over on my calories again ... and was it only yesterday I said NO excuses!! I think I just need to go easy on myself until I finish this full time work, only 4 more days ...

    Anyway, got my official results from my 10km run 61mins 37 secs. That's about 8 mins faster than the last one! Pace of 6.09mins per km. I'm very happy with that, so at least I'm getting fitter!!

    It's my birthday on Wednesday. I'm thinking I might take some food in to share with my students! I've got them all sitting assessments, so it will be a pleasant day ... until the marking kicks in!

    Right my aim is to stay under my cals for the week, which includes making up for the bad day I've had today! 10 mins skipping every day for the rest of the week will sort that out ... someone give me a push back up on that wagon please!!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    ahhhh Rach - *gives a leg up onto the wagon and plumps the cushions*

    I get really disheartened when I weigh myself after exercise and it shows a higher number! Don' forget with strength training you need to concentrate less on the scales and more on how your clothes fit and how fit you feel (or so my kettlehell/boxercise instructor says!)

    That's something else I'm not going to do this week - I will not weigh myself until Friday morning....

  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Rach, Being tired doesnt help weight loss either. So you are on the wagon, Claire has put you comfortable there, now rest, relax and it will happen for you. First get through this week. Honestly 5 days of a class room of kids did me in, and I was just the monitor. I have great admiration for you teachers. I was exhausted every night. You have set yourself into a good pattern, with your healthy eating, running and bootcamp. So once work finishes you will easily fall back into the ryhthum. God I hope you aren't an english teacher, my spelling is often made up. :laugh:
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Oh Ps Rach. Great running time. :flowerforyou:
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Ok whizzy where are you stats, I'm waitinnnngggggg. Nearly bed time over here, :yawn:

    Maybe, Becci, is busy packing isn't it soon that she goes to California.
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    I'm back! :) Went for my weigh in. Lost 1lb since last time, which takes me to 219lbs as of today.

    Last week I burned 4315 calories for the weekly challenge.

    For my personal challenge this week, I'm going to try to stay within my calories each day and I'm also going to try to match or beat my calories burned from last week.

    I shall speak to you all tomorrow.

    Much love. xxx
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member

    Sorry, been super busy trying to sort stuff out for my hols etc.

    Met Dan's parents last night for the first time as well, eeek! Went really well but had the biggest steak ever so my cals were screwed!

    I am going to try and do this LOSERS log in every day until I go away, I fly Saturday morning, so probably only until then.

    I don't think I am going to log while I am away, but our hotel has wifi so I might try and see how everyone is doing and check the database and be shocked and appalled at the calories I am consuming! I am going to try and be good, but I am fully preparing myself for a gain of between 5 - 7lbs, so if its less than that, I'll be happy! Each of our hotels has a pool so going to try and swim every day and when I am at Comic-Con, the convention centre is the size of four football pitches, so I will be doing plenty of walking!

    Hope everyone is good!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Wow lots of up dates.

    Jenni - glad to have you back on the wagon. As for teh bras 19 is crazy but I sure wish I had more than I do.

    Clair great job with your classes, clothes and less sugar.

    Rach - great job on your race.

    Tami - I hope adding back cals helps. so glad you are high on life.

    Nikki - great burn last week and great goals for this week

    I'm checking in No loss last week. But I'm back to where I was before vacation. Hopign to see a loss on friday.

    My personal challenge 30 min of exercise 5 days this week. I want to burn more than the sad 1727 cals I burned last week. I also want to begin gardening. Hubby finished my planters today. Time to work on an herd garden for healthy eating and cals burned.

    Becci - glad meetign the parents went weill. Where are you headed for vacation?
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Okay, so now I am back with you guys. I have had a hard time eating this past week, but after the birthday party I seem OK again. I even feel hunger. It is awesome and is my Sunday success :D

    My monday weight is 91.1 kgs or 200.8 lbs...

    I am at work at the moment (another 24h shift), but I am definitely in for the 10x10 and will try to put my heart in it this time around. Will do some situps and pushups tonight and some skipping and biceps exercises tomorrow... I really need to get back on track!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Good Motivational Monday to ya'll.....

    Claire - good job on the sugar. I find eliminating sugar from my life is one of the hardest things to do!

    Rach - don't get discouraged from the gain hun. Our bodies seem to do that naturally once in a while no matter what we do. I bet you will have a bigger loss next week because of it :flowerforyou:

    Becci - glad to see you're back on here....missed you while you were not. Glad meeting the parents for the first time went well. I know you will do better on vacation then you think. And at least by "allowing" yourself leeway you will not be disappointed when you return. Have fun and enjoy yourself, don't be stressing about losing weigh while away.

    Whizbee - glad to see you back on here. Congrats on your loss.

    Fuhrmesiter - good goal to burn more cals this week than last week. I do that each month now. I am increasing my calorie burning by 10% from the previous month. Keeps a person moving :drinker:

    Jenni - believe me I have 1 room in my apt that is NOT organized. I call it my craft room/office and my hubby calls it the "crap" room. My apt seems to be a picture of my life. On the outside I appear completely organized and stress free (that would be the living area of my apt) and on the inside there is still some chaos (hence the craft room). As my life becomes less stressed and chaotic so does my apt.

    And here are my Loser Log in updates:

    I am at 323.6 pounds this morning for a loss of 5.2 pounds this week. I am finally going downward again after 2+ months of the dang 5 pound fluctuation/plateau. I am hoping this continues! I am 23.6 pounds from my goal for this 10 week challenge.

    My personal goals this week:

    To continue eating the higher number of calories, to drink at least 98 oz of water daily, and to burn, burn, burn those calories.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member

    Wow this is hard. I have sat here staring at that sentence and not knowing where to go. I feel I am an open person but i'm not really. I hate it when people ask where do you see yourself in 5 years etc. I have no idea. But i guess the best thing for me today is it has made me look within and try to see myself. So I guess that is being open.

    But on a lighter note, a couple a bits of trivia to share with you
    i have trouble with the shift key on the computer
    i have started wearing a warm hat during winter, i am well aware that i may look a bit weird, eccentric but i dont care, was tired of having cold ears.
    i love that my daughter is having a wonderful life in her city unit and i get to stay with her each week.
    i really desire to get my house all cleaned up, and i can make this happen.
    i also really want to get my vegie garden up and growing again. 2 years ago i had a great garden.
    happy happy tuesday everyone. :love: :love: :love:
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Okay, so Open Tuesday here we go....

    I really have no idea what to write, but the first thing that came to mind was that I have realised I am an addict. It really doesn't matter what my "fix" is and I change my addiction fairly often. As we all know it all started with food. It has been movies, music, partying, attention, Facebook, MFP, crafting, exercising, baking, cooking you name it I've done it. I have never been an alcoholic or drug addict the latter probably because I am more scared of truly damaging myself than me being a responsible young woman. For a few months now the addiction has been a healthy one - exercising! Now I am back to smoking and drinking with friends. Not that I drink too much but my problem is I rather take a drink or a beer with my friends than go for a run. I really wanna get back to the better me. I know we all have our bad times and that I'm not doing myself a favour. Did burn 100 kcals on the bike before bed yesterday though just because I was bored at work and did my situps, so I might have some good left in me ;)

    Love you guys!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Open Tuesday....

    I wish this weight loss thing was easier - as I guess everyone does.... I wish I could get my head around the whole food thing and REALLY decide not to eat things that aren't good for me, not eat them and feel guilt and say "oh well tomorrow is another day it won't hurt" - just REALLY not want to eat them...

    I'm really proud of myself for coming this far but I wish I had the same determination I had back in January when I was exercising 6 sometimes 7 days a week... I really should get back into doing my wii sports active 5 times a week as that really got the weight moving off... I'm sick of seeing my weight start with a 2 and a 6..... I want it to be in the 250s then 240s, 230s etc etc.... I think If I can just get to under 260 it'll motivate me again to keep going - I've been hovering around above 260 for weeks now, only dipping under it once and that wasn't on a weigh in day...

    I'm really worried about the lose bingo wings on my arms.... I really don't think they'll ever snap back into shape and I'm going to have odd arms forever unless I can find the money to have surgery...

    I don't know if any of this is what open tuesday is about but it feels good to share it!
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Okay, so Open Tuesday...

    I've been thinking about what to write here and so far I've come up with nothing. I figured, rather than trying to think about it, I may as well come and sit at my keyboard and see what comes out. So here it goes...

    I've spent a lot of time really disliking the way I look in a mirror. I'm the girl who will try something on, someone will tell me I look nice and I go to change because I think they are telling me that because they are trying to make me feel better or are taking pity on me. It was like having a voice in my head saying "Well you can dress up a pig, but it will always be a pig!"

    I don't think this was helped by doctors who kept telling me to lose weight like it was just that easy to drop 80 odd lbs overnight. I wouldn't have even minded the comments so much if they tried to suggest anything to help or even for one second looked at my notes and realised that a lot of my weight gain has been due to a back problem and medication. There's something so annoying about people who sit there preaching about weight loss when you know it's not something they've ever had to deal with on a large scale.

    Over the last year or so though, I've started to get a bit better about it. I've had some wonderful people in my life (Beccy, that includes you) who I feel accept me for who I am and make me feel good about being that person. I still don't take compliments that well. I wish I could be that girl who just said "thank you" when someone tells me I look pretty or nice. I still have a bit of an internal debate about believing it, but I am getting better.

    I feel truly blessed to have the friends I now have and now feel even more blessed to have found you wonderful ladies, who I know are here to support me and are feeling the same things that I am. I know we all have a long road to walk, but I'm glad to be walking it with you all. :)

    On a lighter note (as that was far deeper than I'd intended), as I'm probably the newest person to this group, I thought I'd share some things about me so that you can get to know me a little better...

    I have a few things in my life that I can't live without. The first of these is music. I love to go to gigs and dance like a lunatic. Not only is it the one place I lose all cares and worries, I've also realised how good a calorie burner it is. ;) The second thing I'm obsessed with is sharks. I know, a weird one, but I can't help it. My ultimate dream is to travel to Australia and go cage diving with a Great White. This is also another motivation for me to lose weight. They don't really like to insure larger people to do things like that. Even though I will probably never have the money to be able to do it, I hope that one day, something will happen and I'll be able to live that dream out.


    @chiliflea I know what you mean about getting your head around not eating things that aren't good for you. It really is tough. I have the exact same problem. You really should be proud of yourself though. You've lost 40lbs and that is not to be scoffed at. You've done so well.

    @Hannastyrbjorn I don't think you're alone. I think most of us would rather take a beer than go for a run. :) The good thing about what you're saying though is that you realise you have an addictive personality. Plus your addictions aren't set. They change quite often. With any luck, you'll be back on to something more healthy before long. :)

    @jellyfishjen I agree. I think the most annoying question ever is the "where do you see yourself in *insert time scale here*" Sometimes I don't even know where I see myself tomorrow, let alone years down the road. Can I just say too that I love that you're wearing your hat in colder months and not giving a second thought to it. So what if you look eccentric. Cold ears are for idiots. ;)

    Much love to you all and sorry to have rambled quite so much. xxxx
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Open tuesday ...

    I've never had a negative self image, and that is playing with my head at the minute. People keep saying, woah, you look great, you're disappearing etc. but I don't see it. I look at me in a mirror and I see me, same as I always have. Someone who I've made good friends with recently commented on a facebook photo, like "wow, look at you, you look really great now whoop whoop", but I look at the photo and think I looked lovely then. I don't see the fat, and I don't see the thin!! And that makes me worry that I won't see the fat come back! I'm scared that all this weight will just pile back on me! A few weeks ago, I felt like I had this whole lifestyle change totally sussed, but now I can see the old me peeping through the cracks! Nibbling on the kids leftovers ... just having a crisp ... just having a lolly ... just eating crap I shouldn't be ...

    I've come so far, so far that I'm almost in shock about it, like I almost can't believe myself how well I've done and how much I've changed. It's almost like my head needs some time to catch up with where I am at.

    I am totally obsessive also, with me it's either all hard out or not worth bothering. Like if I can't do it just how I think it should be done, then there's no point doing it, and that scares me too. Like with the housework, our house is either totally spotless or a complete mess, no halfway house! It has to be done to perfection, or not done at all! My whole MFP journey has helped to lessen that mindset a little, but I think my hubby can see that I'm at risk of going off track. He said yesterday, don't give up now, you're doing so well. He was impressed with my analysis of how work was affecting my eating, and of my admittance that maybe I needed to go easy this week, and knuckle down once this fulltime work is done.

    Nice idea Jen, somehow I feel better about getting that out!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    :heart: WOW Ladies i had no idea where this day would lead but it i think its wonderful the journey we have all travelled today all with the letter O and honestly Open was the only O word i could think of. :heart:

    I have lovely news, tonight i met up with orangejellybean (Katie), she will come back to us soon. She has moved to Sydney, quite close to me. We have had a lovely evening, even had dinner out and stayed within our calorie range, so nice eating out with a fellow MFPer. We talked and talked and one thing that came out was our concern is this just a fad and would we give up. I am a bit like you Hanna, 2 years ago all my waking moments and energy went into my garden, that was my addiction. It saddens me to look out my kitchen window and see the weed patch it has become.

    So perhaps we can all help each other to find balance in life, not make it all about weight loss but to really make weight loss just A part of our life. Lets work together.

    Hanna, I'm sure you can be healthy and still have fun. Drink light beer :wink: and can you smoke herbal, or is that that illegal stuff, :laugh: Anyway, as much as I would love you to stay off the smokes, I know what it is like I was a smoker, back in the olden days. But I still remember, maybe work on one thing at a time, make small changes.

    Rach, sorry my house is a mess always, so cant help with tips on cleaning. But is does stress me out and I hardly ever invite anyone over, which i would like too. But I feel I would be judged on my house. You are tired this week, don't worry and slips backwards is called being part of life, I'm sure you will never give up or go all the way back.

    Claire, you are doing great and maybe what you are doing is the balance we all need to find. You will get to those magical numbers.

    Whizzy, you need to look in that mirror and say I will wear this because I want to and i will. Think of me in my hat. i will try and get a photo of me in it, but you all know I hate having my photo taken. Also whizzy whenever you are ready to swim with the sharkes come on down. Would love to have you but I warn you the house will be a mess and also us aussies never swim with the sharkes. :laugh:

    And oh my, I just realised that on our O day I met up with Orangejellybean. Get it another O :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Wow Open Tuesday what a great idea!

    I feel like I am sinking right now. I thought it would be esay to get back to a routine after teh move to teh new house was finished but i never get to the gym. I get exercise in but i am thinking about dropping my membership b/c I'm not getting ot the gym and money is tight. I am soworried about managing our money so we can keep our beautiful new house. I'm so stressed getting my stepson ready for college. but I guess the thing that upsets me most is that it seems like everyone is pregnant but me. I have been at my job for thre years and ther eare peopel I work with preparing for ther 2nd or 3rd child since I've been here. It breaks my heart. One of my best firends is pregnant as well. i am planning her baby shower and feelign teh baby move in her belly and all I want to do is cry. hubby and I have been tryign for 3 years ans it seem sliek it will never be my turn. We have unexplained infertility I can only hope the weight will help...but when i feel hopeless about gettign pregnant I feel hopeless about weight loss.

    i am so thankful for you ladies and all your support nad I know I have wonderful things in my life like my excellent husband, my beautiful home and wonderful friends. I just continue to take life one day at a time.

    Hanna - I think it's good you recognize you addiction to addictions :) If you understand how you work you can maybe choose healthy addictions. i think you are doign a great job.

    Claire - i am teh same way with my food...i know french fries are bad for me, why can't i stop eating them. I am crossign my fingers you see teh 250;s soon and then kick the 250's butt nad on and on

    Nikki - i think you are a beautiful person inside and out base don wht I know of you. Keep praticing sayign thank you and i think you will be able to see what others see.

    Rach - I'm so glad you have a healthy body image but I can see why you find it worrisome. I think a continued positive attitude will get you where you need to go. I am obsesive about teh hosue too...all or nothing

    Jenni -Open tuesday is awesome. I am so glad to have you a a freind. Thank you!