Loserville Challenge 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Today is Saturday. Swap day. Here in Australia the governments latest health programe is "Swap it Don't stop it." think I may have mentioned this before. http://swapit.gov.au/

    Swap fried food for fresh
    Swap take-away for home-made
    Swap fizzy drink for water
    Walk and deliver a message rather than email
    Park the car further away and enjoy a short walk
    Get off the bus one stop earlier and walk the rest of the way
    Swap Watching for Playing Sport Don't just watch sport — get out and get active!
    Get outdoors with the family — go to the park or for a bike ride
    Meet friends for a walk instead of coffee and cake
    Swap a family movie for bowling

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    So today its 2 tasks....

    1. Make a swap today and share it with us tonight.

    2. Suggest a swap as Courtney has, Swap regular yogurt for Greek yogurt.
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Okay ladies. Been logging but not active. Bringing the shortest most protein filled recipe to the table.

    Tuna burgers
    1 egg
    1 can of water packed tuna

    Mix well and add whatever spices you'd like. Add some grated cheese if you have the calories for it. Put it in a frying pan and flatten it into a burger. Serve with boiled broccoli and cottage cheese. This is not the tastiest meal but it is high in protein and will make you full for long.

    As for the 10x10 workout this week - 'cause we are doing it, right? I have 10 minutes of skipping left to do and holding the plank position for 9 more times and then I am finished. This time around I think I might finish it :laugh:

    Today I am off to work for a 26h shift. Will be swapping the sofa for the stationary bike while watching TV tonight. My swap for you to try out is to change the at least in Sweden "normal" green salad (tomatoes, cucumber, corn, lettuce) to a salad with a little more crunch. Try broccoli, cauliflower, radishes, or whatever you'd like. Add colour and crunch to your salad the next time. maybe try a little bit of fruit in it? I had the best salad a couple of weeks ago with strawberries, mozzarella, sugar snaps and all sorts of things. Remember that greens doesn't automatically need to be boring.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Well my swap day has not really happened. Unless you count swapping exercise for a massage. I have sore shoulders and back from carrying a heavy backpack around. Used that this time instead of my roller bag for overnight stay in city. Guess I could swap 30mins on the couch for 30mins on the treadmill.

    My swap tip is use fresh lemon juice as a dressing on steamed vegies or salad.
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Swapping exercise for massage is brilliant. To feel completely well we need more than exercise and food. The soul needs to get spoiled as well!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    I did get up off the couch and did a slow walk on the treadmill for an hour while I watched a movie, that helped and i took it up on the incline every 2 minute till no 14 then down again. It was actually rather good gave me a great workout with low impact. I know my back and shoulders wouldn't handle doing the C25K as I grip the bar when running.
    Now watching Biggest Loser USA for inspiration.
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    I did get up off the couch and did a slow walk on the treadmill for an hour while I watched a movie, that helped and i took it up on the incline every 2 minute till no 14 then down again. It was actually rather good gave me a great workout with low impact. I know my back and shoulders wouldn't handle doing the C25K as I grip the bar when running.
    Now watching Biggest Loser USA for inspiration.

    I have also been watching Biggest Loser USA this morning. It has inspired me to get off my backside today. The weather is pretty miserable here and I was just going to stay in, but I've decided that even though it's raining, I'm going to grab my waterproof jacket and walk down to the beach and walk from pier to pier and back. So that's my swap for today. Fresh air and a walk instead of sitting inside with the Wii Fit.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    I swapped a shower for a lovely hot soak in the bath, and it was heaven!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I swapped sleeping in for getting out and walking 1.2 miles and 8 minutes of step aerobics. I normally am not a morning person and got up at 6:45am to go exercise. My husband told me to stay in bed and get more sleep, that I was crazy to be going out for a walk that early in the morning....just got back and I feel GREAT!!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    hmmmmm swap.... I swapped doing 30ds for listening to my body and NOT doing 30ds!! I put my arms up to start the warm up and everything yelled "STOP!!!" So I listened and stopped! Clearly I need a rest day...

    Tomorrow I'll be sat in the car for a 6 hour journey from my home to Kent to see my Auntie graduate in Canterbury Cathedral... My cousin is coming over from Barcelona with her OH and their 2 kids so it's like a little reunion! Will try and log and (as usual) will TRY and be good!

    So I won't be here to post my weight on Monday but will write them all in the chart when I get back so don't forget to "L"og on Monday!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Sunday, acknowledge your success's.

    I think I have successfully righted 2 bads days this past week, just have to get through today, and I hope to be able to record a loss this week.
    I successfully exercised everyday. :love:

    Great swap Tami. Nice swap Rach, its such a treat to have a lovely soak in the bath. Claire good listening to your body. :heart:

    I didn't manage to do my 10 x 10 again :blushing: But I think I will now focus on my walking and endurance have the 14km coming up very soon. My plan so far is to do the C25K 3 times a week, even if i stick to week 1. I liked doing the incline walk last night, so will try and add that in twice a week, and I will continue with zumba of a monday night for stamina. I feel I need to work on the walking as last night on the treadmill I walked for 3 1/2 kms and it took me 60mins. I was exhausted. Yes I did increase the incline every 2 minutes, but there are hills on the 14km walk. One know as heartbreak hill. I know I will do the 14km, determination will get me through, I just hope I don't have to drag myself over the finish line. Would appreciate any tips.

    I would like to continue with our LOSERS days this week. And my personal challenge will again be to try and be under calories every day and to exercise everyday.

    Wishing you all a successful Sunday.:flowerforyou:
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Success this week. I have my commitment to losing weight firmly back in place. I feel like I can do this again, where for the last 4 weeks I've felt like I could cave in at any moment and eat a whole packet of biscuits!!!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    My success for this week --

    Yesterday I decided to do a 9 1/2 hr mini challenge with myself to see just how many calories I could burn. I just kept moving. No exercise in particular, but only allowed myself a 2 minute rest from moving each 1/2 hour. I successfully burned 3752 calories by doing this. I have decided I am going to do this one day each week from now on so that I can just burn some extra calories without necessarily doing a "workout". I have been in a rut with the same foods and same exercises for some time now and this will help mix it up a little bit. :drinker:

    My not so sweet success --

    I am once again at a stand-still on my losing. I am up 2 pounds from last Monday and just sitting there. It is aggravating, but I know eventually it will start moving again :indifferent:

    Another Success --

    Today I tried a new workout video....needless to say I only did about 1/3 of it :grumble: I was so tired and sore by the time I got that far that I felt like I was going to die :explode: I am not so good at pushing myself once I start hurting and I give up. Didn't burn a ton of calories from it, but I am at least trying something new :ohwell:

    Anyway, hope ya'll have a Super Slimming Sunday......til later

    tami :heart:
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Hello darlings!:heart:

    My success this week is small. have not completed 10x10 (off by 9 planks and 10 min of skipping). BUT! Today I exercise walked properly for the first time this week AND I've got that exercise feeling nagging inside of me. I think my brain is ready to jump on the train to Slimville. Might start doing hill training with my best friend's boyfriend but that is after I started to run again, which I kinda want to.

    My goal next week is to drink 3 bottles of water each day i.e. 2.4 litres. I really need to water up...

    So what is the plan for next week, have had a horrible day at work today so I'm really tired and will read all your posts tomorrow.

  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Good Morning Losers!

    I'm happy to be posting this weeks weight at 75.6kg or 166.7lb, so I've lost over a kg this week despite my birthday, so clearly last weeks 2kg gain was a blip. It has made me consider weighing more frequently, as it did get me down ... still not sure though, as I don't want my mood for the day to be defined by my scales!

    I love your "keep moving day" idea Tami. What with my addiction to MFP though, I'd find only 2 mins rest challenging! But it's school holidays here, and it could be a good way to fit some exercise in ... plan for today is to take kids to park and chase after them whilst they ride their bikes!!

    I love our Letter of the day and would really like to keep that going.

    I didn't do the 10x10 this week, but plan to do it next week, as I've finished my second bootcamp, so would be good to make sure I'm fitting that in.

    My personal goal is to stay within 250kcals of my daily calorie goal. I've decreased my weekly loss to 1lb per week, which basically gave me an extra 250kcals per day, so my aim is to stay close to 250kcals below my goal, but not to be hard on myself as long as I stay under the goal! All done to make my head feel more positive!!

    Hanna - Hill training is the way forward ... I realise that myself! ...
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    It is still Sunday afternoon is this section of Loserville, but I will go ahead and post my goals for this next week.


    * walk at least 3x this week - a minimum of 1 mile each
    * do at least 2 new types of exercise this week
    * burn at least 6500 calories this week


    * Not get upset by what the scale says or stressed about it


    Drink a minimum of 96 oz of water/tea daily
    Eat at least 1000 cal on at least 5 days this week
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Good Monday Morning Beautiful Ladies. Monday is "L" day. Time to log in.

    Yehaa I have a great weight loss to report. I am 94.5kg (203lb). That is a loss of 1.3kg (2.8lb).

    I hopped on and off the scale a couple of times as I couldn't believe it. I was hoping for the low 95's or at best 94.9. So this is amazing, enjoying the moment, but in the back of my head I don't trust it. I know how the scale can change, tomorrow I could well be back in the 95's. I hope not. So once again I have found the secret to weight loss, HARD WORK. Watch what you eat, make them good quality calories and exercise. I did go over a couple of times last week and did my best to work them off. 90% of the time I tried to eat good calories, wholegrains and fresh vegie, and it appears it worked. Hope to do the same this week.

    Hanna good to hear that you are feeling your mojo coming back. Get addicted to that exercise again. Run run run. I have heard that hill training is really beneficial.

    Rach, chasing after the children is a fun and worthwhile calorie burn. Spending quality time with them and it must feel great that you can now chase them. Keeping in your calorie allowance is a great goal this week, and I now how healthy your choices are. So you will be giving your body a wonderful treat. Along with your exercise, you will be glowing with good health. Rach you are at my goal weight. How does it feel? I feel good now can't imagine how I'm going to feel another 20kg lighter. Well done on a great weigh in.

    Tami you have set yourself some wonderful goals. I like the way you have put them into catagories. Physical, emotional and Nutritional. That is a big calorie burn you are going for, but if anyone can do it, you can.

    Looking forward to hearing from everyone else. Although, Claire is in Kent, Beccy is in Vegas or there abouts, Katie is at a 2 day conference, where are you Courtney and Whizzy. I think we have lost Verity, but if you are out there V come back to us. Who have I forgotten????

    Love you all have a Marvellous Monday
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Ps. Memory problems here.:laugh: Forgot to say Courtney, I tried the interval incline session on the treadmill, great workout. Hoping to fit that in a couple ot times a week. And also I made your Salsa soup yesterday. It was a cold day so I thought a good time to make it. Loved it. I reentered it in my recipes with what I used after I changed to what I guess are the same ingredients. ie. peppers is our capsicum, cilantra is coriander and I only used one jalapeno was a bit scared with that one. But it turned out great.
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    So ladies of Loserville!

    Time to weigh in. I am now at 90.1kg/198.2lbs - Once again in Onederland and it feels great! Now it's only about 20kg/44lbs left and I have met my goal. Feels like a good Monday, except for the bad weather. Off to work later today.

    Have fun ladies!!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Whoops I made a mistake my weight actually converts to 208lbs not 203. What a difference when i put my glasses on.
    Well done Hanna, It must be great to be in onederland, But i think its so exciting you are so close to being in the 80's. Still have trouble getting my head around these pounds. I am so happy to be under 95. Next stop 90. Well ok a few whistle stops in between.
    Have done a stack of cooking again today, I really should have done the ironing, however. I made the quinoa salad from rachel's recipes, very nice. Wheatgerm muffins, for snacks. Courtneys, Butternut squash and lentil casserole, which I will freeze ready for those busy times, and I made a red lentil pasta sauce. Was having pasta for dinner but then realised it was too high in carbs for my husband (diabetic). I seem to manage the higher carbs now. So he had just a bowl of lentils and i had it with toast. Still had the calories and about to go to zumba so will have more calories available. Oh and I baked some tofu in the oven (re Rach) except instead of BBq sauce I had a sample pack of tuscan seasoning. They came out really nice and I have packaged them into 70 cal. bags, nice and quick to grab to add to a meal or snack on.
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Sorry I didn't log yesterday ladies. I wasn't feeling too great. Luckily it seems to have passed today, so I'm back on it. :)

    Lost another 2lbs this week, taking me down to 217lbs. I will come back later on this evening to catch up properly on posts, but I've just run in the door to post this and am now about to run back out of the door.

    Much love. xxx