Loserville Challenge 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Very late here, but just sharing before bed! I went out tonight, in a pair of chords that last fit me 15years ago!! They were the smallest thing in my too small box, last time I tried them I could get in them, but not really function properly (i.e. wouldn't have liked to sit for too long in them!), tonight I put them on then sat on the floor and played with the kids - they fit! And I'm pretty sure I weigh the same, so therefore I must measure less!! Whoohooo!

    Good night loserville, I love you all!!!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Hello Ladies I am here for exercise thursday. I am just under half way to my calorie burn goal for the week so I better step it up. I willfinally be gettign ot teh gum tonight. I am plannnig my treadmill incline intervals and some arm weights. I am really bummed that my schedule is keeping me away form my yoga classes.

    So my exercise tip is try yoga. A class is best so you have the instructor to question if need be but a beginner video is grat too. Don't be afraid of what you look like doing it. Yoga is about your personal journey and the skinny pretzel chick is way to concentrated on her own body to worry about yours. I begian yoga at around 240lbs and never felt judged. But I did feel stronger, more limber and more able to relax! The relaxing was huge for me. The burn is not as big as other class but man has it helped my muscle tone.

    Have a Happy Thursday all!

    Rach - good luch buying your house :)
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I'm off to meetings in a few minutes then work after that. But wanted to do a quick update before I head out the door.....

    I absolutely DID NOT want to get out of bed this morning to go walk. But after I hit the snooze button on the alarm twice it was do or die....I set the alarm early to go before my meetings and I did finally get up and go. I got in 1.4 miles and am sore today, but I am so glad I went. It put my mind where I need it to be today to face some very personal things that I have not been wanting to deal with.

    I am all about leaving the past in the past where it belongs, but today am forcing myself to dig through some things that have needed to be taken care of a long time ago. I honestly believe working through this will allow me to release these next 6 pounds I have been wanting to get past. It is going to be a hard thing I am doing today, but I am confident that I will be able to get through it without too much pain. But then it is said, "No pain no gain", although in my world it is "no pain no loss" because I am not wanting to gain. Anyway, I am off to face what I need to face and will hopefully be lighter both in spirit and in weight once this is completed.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Oh no! Oh dear .... I've just troughed through 8 thornton continental chocolates ... 11.24am and I'm over my calories for the day! BUGGER!!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    So though it is Exercise Thursday and not Open Tuesday, I really want to share this with ya'll. So here goes.....

    Earlier this week I had mentioned that I was going to reflect on the emotional things that were holding me back from losing weight. I met with a counselor today to deal with sexual abuse issues from the past. I have gone to counselors over the years, but always when it got to the hard stuff I would not go back. But I am in a place in my life now that I can and will do this. I am a Psychology student and have come to realize the importance of dealing with these issues in order to completely work through them so that I can finally truly leave the past in the past where it belongs. I have a better self esteem now than I ever have in my life and though this was an extremely difficult thing to do I know that this healing will allow me to lose more weight. The emotional connection to food was something I had to break through to begin this journey and now it is time to break the emotional connection to my past. The things we can discover about ourselves when we just take the time to sit and truly look at what is holding us back in this journey is amazing.

    And this my friends....was my 2nd NSV this week! I feel truly blessed to have finally reached this point in my life.

    tami :heart:
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    @Tami - that's so good that you're now able to deal with your past... Congrats!

    I'm cross, I'm fed up and I just want to give up... Ok I know I havent been 100% perfect food wise over the last couple of months but I think I deserve SOME weight loss?? I've exercised my *kitten* off and STILL the scale won't budge... Whats the deal?! I haven't binged like I used to and I'm certainly not eating anywhere nearly as much as I used to so why is the scale not showing that????
    I feel totally useless and I just don't know what I can do to kick start the loss again... Maybe I should drop my cals right back down?

  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Oh girl don't give up......I know the feeling of the scale not being nice. I was there for 2+ months and still am moving slowly. Keep trudging along and eventually it will move again. I change my calories around, I zigzag them. Or I will eat less for a couple of weeks then change them back up.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Tami - I think you're very brave, facing the past is a very tough road, good on you, and well done.

    Claire - My eating is crap at the minute, so I feel like I should be saying this to myself, not you!!! I've only looked at your last week, but my thoughts were more protein and more calories, certainly worth a try. I aim to always eat over the protein set on here, to the point now where I've changed my goals so that 30% of my calories come from protein, it's very rare that I meet that target, but I know I'm always well above the MFP default settings. Worth a try. Also I'm currently eating 1500 calories a day, and I notice that you're on less than that ... maybe try eating more ... I wouldn't do both though ... try more protein, see if that has any impact ... give it a couple of weeks, if not then try more calories ...

    Well TOM is here, thank goodness as that gives me something to blame the overeating of chocolate on!! Phew, I thought it was just me ... I'm so pleased tomorrow is another day! Thank goodness tomorrow is another day ... back down to it!

    Recipe day today eh?

    I'm going to share my "whatever I've got" lasagne!!

    In a bake proof dish cover bottom with a thin layer of tomato sauce or pasata, then a layer of dried lasagne, then layer of whatever veges you have, then sprinkle a bit of mozzarella, then dried lasagne, repeat tom sauce, veges, mozzarella lasagne until you get to the top, put tomato sauce and mozzareela and a bit of parmesan on the top ... I aim to use no more than 100g of mozzarella in the whole thing (weigh that out before you start to assemble!) .... for the 'whatever veges' I use any leftover veges if we have any, but my fav version of this is spinach and ricotta with pine nuts (like delia's) ... defrost frozen chopped spinach, squeeze out as much water as you can, mix it up with some riccotta (can also use lite philadelphia), a pinch of ground nutmeg and ground pepper, a bit of crumbled blue cheese is nice too, toast some pinenuts (30g is enough for the whole lasagne) and sprinkle on top of the spinach before the mozzarella layer. Bake according to instructions on dried lasagne packet. Yummy!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Tami - i'm so happy that you are already feeling better about confronting your past. I can be so helpful to take the time to look insdie ourselve w/ a counsler or w/o one.

    Claire - I agree with Rach more protein and less carbs espically refined ones like white bread and sugar. Try a new exercise. Sometiems out bodies get used to what we are doing so changing thing up helps.

    Rach - i can't get away from the chocolate either thank goodness TOM is lamost over for me.

    Here is the recipie for what I'm havign for dinner tonight:

    Spaghitti Squash with Avacado Pesto: fom Biggest Loser Simple Swaps

    it says 6 servings for for hubby and I I cook half a 3 lb spagihtti squash and split the avacado pesto in half. Still only about 150 or so cals. Actually sometimes I use the whole avacado and it's still low cal. FYI the avacado pesto does not reheat well so enjoy it all. or plan to eat left overs cold.

    This flavorful squash can always be found in the kitchen at the ranch as a creative replacement for white pasta. Add grilled chicken and a tomato salad and you have a meal. The avocado pesto is also delicious as a sandwich condiment or drizzled over sliced tomatoes.

    1 medium spaghetti squash (1 1⁄2–2 pounds), washed, halved lengthwise, and seeded
    1⁄2 ripe avocado, pitted and diced
    1⁄4 cup fresh basil leaves or Italian parsley
    1 tablespoon chopped chives
    2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
    1 teaspoon minced garlic
    1⁄2 teaspoon salt
    1⁄4 teaspoon ground black pepper
    1⁄3 cup hot water
    2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil or parsley (optional)
    Preheat the oven to 375°F. Lightly coat a baking sheet with olive oil cooking spray. Pierce the outside of each half of the squash a few times with a fork. Place the squash cut side down on the baking sheet and bake for about 45 minutes, or until very tender when tested with a fork. Cool

    Meanwhile, place the avocado, basil or parsley, chives, Parmesan, garlic, salt, black pepper, and hot water in a blender and process until smooth, turning the blender off and on occasionally and adding a tablespoon or two of additional hot water if needed. There will be between 1⁄2 and 3⁄4 cup of pesto. When the squash has cooled, use a fork to rake the spaghetti-like threads of squash into a serving bowl. Discard the skin. There will be about 3 cups of spaghetti squash. Drizzle the pesto over the squash and garnish with fresh basil or parsley if desired.

    Makes 6 servings

    Per serving: 60 calories, 2 g protein, 9 g carbohydrates, 3 g fat (0 g saturated), 0 mg cholesterol, 3 g fiber, 230 mg sodium

    Read More http://www.ivillage.com/biggest-loser-simple-swaps-spaghetti-squash-avocado-pesto/4-a-106846#ixzz1Sq4jjIEw
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  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Hi I'm home. Missed you all and wish I hadn't left the secure walls of my home. Well done, Tami for being so courageous, you are making a big step.

    I probably shouldn't even be writing now as I am in a low state and so mad and disappointed with myself. I did it again over ate and ate crap. I had even been to a wonderful ballet class, but some evil demon takes over me and I mindless with out thinking eat crap. And loads of it. I should be asleep and was nearly but the depression of what I have failed to do got me out of bed. I was so determined to be successful this week in the city, I even thought I had it all planned out. Pooh!!! to that. I have a tough couple of weeks ahead of me. Husbands sister coming to stay and I am polite and do my best but find it most difficult, i usually find comfort in food. It's his brothers 60th birthday and the whole clan are getting together. Honestly this is my idea of hell. So I am already getting tense and stressed about it. I am wishing I could come down with some horrible contagious disease that prevents people from staying with us and us going out. Of course my husband has his blinkers on when it comes to his family.

    Should I send this, should i delete it, thats what i have sat here thnking. I know I need support and you are my friends and it will help me by just sharing. I'm sure I will feel better in the morning after a bit of sleep. And it once again has confirmed my beliefs that we are less able to cope with crap food inside of us. :cry: :cry: :cry: They say it helps to have a good cry.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Jenni - I am so happy you are back but so bummed that you are feeling so crappy. You know we are all here to help so vent as necessary. What you ate in the past is past, you have done an amazing job and we know you can get back to it.

    As for the visitors, that's tough. i just had my husbands ex-wife and her boyfreind stay with us for my stepsons graduation. I was a polite host and made sure thay had what they needed, but I did not change my routine for them. i went to work, cooked what I normally cooked when I normally cook it and made enough for the guest. If they didn't want it they could go out. and it was my house so I wasn't taking any crap. They turned out to be ok guests. So I guess my suggstion is to keep with your routine. It's his family not yours exercise when you need to and cook what you need to eat. Best of luck to you.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Saturday.."s" make a swap day. I swapped staying in for going to the circus. Tony and I took mum and one of her elderly neighbours to the circus.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Thanks for you suggestions peeps... I was toying with upping my calories again (mfp recalculates when you lose and as I've put on weight I think I should go back up some cals...)

    So I've upped them to 1500 and changed my carb/protein/fat percentages to 30/40/30.... Am going to see if that makes any difference....

    I've got to get my head back in the game - I've got a bit complacent "oh I'm not losing so I might as well have that bit of cake" etc etc... BBQ weather doesn't help!! Must try and not eat as much! And booze is a killer too!

    Really want to try and get at least another stone off 14lb/6.3kg off by October so I need to get my head back in the game!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Sunday.... Our successes.....

    The sun is shinning, I am up and am alive. It is only 4degrees celsius outside. So will not go for my planned walk, but will work up a sweat with making a good start on cleaning up this house.

    Claire, the lifestyle changes you have made over the last few months will fall back into place. Buy yourself a health magazine for some refreshing new ideas.
    Whizzy how are your calves since having the injections?

    Love to you all. May your day be a happy one.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Any challenge ideas for this week? Please post early remember your today is rach and mine yesterday. :laugh:
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    My personal challenge this week is to lose weight!!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    My personal challenge this week is to lose weight!!

    haha ok I'm with you
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Hi ladies :)

    I'm finally able to sit at the computer. Granted, it's not for a long period of time, but at least I can get on.

    My personal challenge this week is to walk as much as possible. I've been told by the doctor that I can't do much aerobic work, but that walking is the best thing to do after my injections. I'm sporting the sexiest bandage ever, which is going to be on for another 10 or so days. So walking it is. :)

    Glad to be back, missed you ladies a lot. xxx
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Monday Morning... Log in day Ladies

    95.1kg. Up 600 grams this week.

    I can do better than this and will. Change of plans for this week, sister in law not staying with us, whew. This is part of the stress of them coming, lack of communication. So I can now relax. Since I know we have the birthday dinner to go to on saturday night, I'm thinking of saving as many calories throughout the week, so that perhaps i don't do too much damage when out.

    Remember you are doing this for yourself. And you deserve the best you can do for yourself.
    Make a list of the benefits you have already noticed and the ones you hope to achieve.
    1. Can easily do up my shoe laces.
    2. I can squat.
    3. I now enjoy exercise
    4. Feeling fitter
    5. Enjoying buying smaller clothes.

    A. Want to wear heels again
    B. To wear a dress.
    C. Being able to do the splits again. (big goal)
    D. To run.
    E. Able to fit on the swing at the park.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Thats it... I'm officially fed up. Up to 267 again. What is going on??? Feel like just crying and giving up... I don't understand how this can happen... Guess I've got to stick to my changes of putting my cals up and hope to see an improvement next week...