

  • I got a personal trainer about two years ago. I originally went in to meet with the owner of the place and told him what I was looking for and what hours I would be available. He actually picked my trainer that fit into my schedule that thought could work me out based on what I was looking for. The first time I met with my…
  • This sounds crazy but every time I feel like quitting I always think about my sergeant yelling, "When you think you can't go on anymore, PUSH HARDER!!!" It doesn't seem so intense in type, but it was. Also, I put my treadmill and elliptical in front of my TV and I watch something without commercials... time seems to go by…
  • That is a good idea! I do that with cucumbers and blueberry yogurt. I think cucumbers are filling, but I don't really like the taste. Apples with caramel flavored is a WAY better idea! Thank you!
  • Very inspirational! They always say, "kids can be so cruel". But it doesn't ever really stop there. I think your plan is great! They set up a walking path where I work for people who get breaks (which happens to exclude myself), but a woman I work with walked it everyday for 6 months and slightly changed her diet plan. She…
  • Thanks! That's nice! Hoping for the same results. I have a HUGE problem with binge eating though. I do well for a few days, and then I just go crazy! I hope posting everything I eat will help me to realize how much food I am actually putting in my body (and stop doing that). I work at a hospital, and there is a health…