Just QUIT Now!

knewbill72 Posts: 133 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Is it just me or do you have a voice in your head that speaks to you sometimes? Some days its louder than others and seems to rear its ugly head at your most vulnerable times.

Here's what my voice's theme is; Just QUIT Now!

Does yours say anything like that? Here are some of my favorite quotes:

-" You know, you only have 10 minutes left on the treadmill. You could just QUIT now and hit the showers early."

-" This part of the P90X workout sucks! Why don't you just QUIT now you won't be missing anything."

-" Doesn't look like you lost any weight today. Just QUIT now you are wasting your time and energy for nothing!"

This is what I say when the 'Quit Now' voice speaks: I ALREADY QUIT ENOUGH TODAY!!


-Making excuses to not eat right
-Searching for a magic pill
-Sitting on the coach
-Complaining about my weight
-Saying I don't have enough time
-Waiting on life to pass me by!



  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Usually the voices are arguing so loudly I can't understand what they are saying.
  • Run4iiiiiit
    Run4iiiiiit Posts: 489 Member
    It happens a lot while running. that's why everone has an ipod.
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    I can relate to the P90X moves...but I keep on truckin' along...You're only cheatin' yourself & the time you put in - if you QUIT :grumble: :laugh:

    Don't get me started on 'Ab Ripper X' - :laugh:

    You're doin' a wonderful job - I look forward to your comments & posts each day...Once I get HRM - IT's on in the numbers game LOL...jk:wink:
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    Mine says I'm too tired to work out tonight, and missing ONE DAY won't make any difference. I'm getting really good at not listening.
  • This sounds crazy but every time I feel like quitting I always think about my sergeant yelling, "When you think you can't go on anymore, PUSH HARDER!!!" It doesn't seem so intense in type, but it was. Also, I put my treadmill and elliptical in front of my TV and I watch something without commercials... time seems to go by a lot quicker. Or with a friend.
  • My Quit now voice always happens when I'm out with friends and we go out to eat. Tonight we went to Chili's and i just wanted to bad to get the chicken ranch sandwich. The voice was just screaming for me to get it, but i over powered the voice this time! i got the Caribbean Salad which was very tasty!
  • nanc94
    nanc94 Posts: 141 Member
    mine is: you've had a long day at work just go home relax and have some ice cream...thats why i change into my gym clothes and drive straight to the gym but then i also hear you had a good workout you deserve that ice cream :mad: thank goodness i dont have any ............but it sure does sound good right now, ugghhh
  • Usually the voices are arguing so loudly I can't understand what they are saying.

    Haha, exactly!

    Normally it's "You've already worked out for half an hour, you don't really need to do more."
    Most often "You can't lose this weight, just get use to it." or "You're smaller than her."

    Don't know how I'm gunna lose this weight, but it's been done before. Just gotta believe!
  • namrettik
    namrettik Posts: 127
    The "quit" voice always pops in when I'm on an exercise machine and it's kicking my butt. I tell myself how few minutes I have left (or, alternatively, how much I've already done and ___ more minutes will be nothing). Sometimes, though, I give in ever so slightly and turn down the resistance a tad. No use in completely wearing myself out when I've got 20 minutes left to go!
  • canaussie
    canaussie Posts: 168 Member
    Today mine said "Why bother, you've never succeeded in losing weight before" . I went right to the gym and kicked that voice's *kitten*!
  • kittyinaz
    kittyinaz Posts: 300 Member
    mine is: you've had a long day at work just go home relax and have some ice cream...thats why i change into my gym clothes and drive straight to the gym but then i also hear you had a good workout you deserve that ice cream :mad: thank goodness i dont have any ............but it sure does sound good right now, ugghhh

    Frozen banana, skim milk, unsweetened cocoa powder and a touch of agave or honey - home made soft serve ice cream!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    sometimes. then I close my eyes, imagine that same "QUIT NOW" voice in my ex gf's annoying tone, get annoyed and say F**** YOU! motivated and push on.
  • chiremba
    chiremba Posts: 30 Member
    I hope I don't upset anyone but when I hear that voice I listen. Even in a Zumba class I just slow my pace. 5 years ago i lost 40kg in 5-6 months by pushing hard and not listening to the voice ( usually pain) telling me to stop. but all thw weight came back because I went back to 'normal life". this time my stratagy is to do sustainable activities, to exercise when I am up to it so that i will actually get a good work out and to" stop when I am tired. it is working well so far and i'm guilt free and not frustrated if the scales only move a little and i can see myself doing this for the rest of my life.
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    If I let my just QUIT now voice take control, wold eventually not bother to get out of bed in the mornings.
    Your comments have been an eye opener - did not realise others had the constant 'quit' question;
    and an inspiration - until recently my exercise was an hourly dog walk (okay not enough but a start) but something happened and my 'just quit' voice prevailed and I have not even been doing that. Time to QUIT listening and get out of the house...........now, where did I hide the lead?
    Thank you.
  • PrincessLynn2010
    PrincessLynn2010 Posts: 49 Member
    OMG, YES! That is one thing I hear in my head when I start to feeling weak. "You're not THAT big.", or "You're smaller than her. That {name a no-no food} won't hurt."

    Nice to know I'm not alone in "arguing" internally with myself.
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    Today mine said "Why bother, you've never succeeded in losing weight before" . I went right to the gym and kicked that voice's *kitten*!
    Exactly :laugh:
  • PrincessLynn2010
    PrincessLynn2010 Posts: 49 Member
    ps- I really love the POSITIVE quit talk in the initial post/question. I need to do that MORE often! See all the GOOD things I successfully quit... not focus so much on the negative ones that are ranting at me.

    Also, to the person who mentioned imagining their ex's voice saying the "negative quits", AWESOME idea! My ex-husband was a very mean, unkind individual and my self esteem really got a whipping. My "quit quotes" could easily be something coming out of his mouth once upon a time: "Just give it up, you'll always be fat.", etc...
  • chiremba
    chiremba Posts: 30 Member
    I hope I don't upset anyone but when I hear that voice I listen. Even in a Zumba class I just slow my pace. 5 years ago i lost 40kg in 5-6 months by pushing hard and not listening to the voice ( usually pain) telling me to stop. but all thw weight came back because I went back to 'normal life". this time my stratagy is to do sustainable activities, to exercise when I am up to it so that i will actually get a good work out and to" stop when I am tired. it is working well so far and i'm guilt free and not frustrated if the scales only move a little and i can see myself doing this for the rest of my life.

    forgot to mention that I injured myself exercising ( tore my right achilles) so I now have a deep respect for what my body tells me. eg I am learning to tell when I am hungry and when I beeing greedy.
  • chiremba
    chiremba Posts: 30 Member
    If I let my just QUIT now voice take control, wold eventually not bother to get out of bed in the mornings.
    Your comments have been an eye opener - did not realise others had the constant 'quit' question;
    and an inspiration - until recently my exercise was an hourly dog walk (okay not enough but a start) but something happened and my 'just quit' voice prevailed and I have not even been doing that. Time to QUIT listening and get out of the house...........now, where did I hide the lead?
    Thank you.

    Don't knock yourself down, an hour walking at a brisk pace is quite a work out. I started to cycle to work. manage most days and it is great because it is actually down time before I start work. and I get to work on a adrenaline high
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Hmm, my "Quit Now" voice is more related to diet than exercise. It says:

    "One chocolate bar won't hurt"
    "You deserve it"
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