

  • I wanted a way to make eating healthier easier for me. I thought that by not allowing myself to eat meat I would force myself to find new food that is both filling and has fewer calories then meat dishes. I totally plan to eat poultry and seafood again (no pork or red meat if I can help it) So for example today I ate a…
  • Hello, I looked up this product and found this news footage, the woman in the news report said she lost 20lbs doing the cleanse and that helped jump start her weight lost. Hope this is helpful to you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_A1X-h7l7qs
  • Myself and a co-woker are doing a meat free week (today is the first day) to help jump start our healthy eating. While I know that I will not be able to stop eating meat forever I think that by making myself think of other foods that will be healthy is good for my long term goals. I have been online looking at different…
  • Hey, I was feeling the same way too. I made a big bottle of ice water and started drinking that before I ate anything. It makes me feel full so my junk food cravings go away. Also try eating a snack like popcorn (air popped not butter) or having a pudding cup. I hope that knowing you are not alone in your cravings helps.…
  • Yes, I did the Adventures game with my son and it is a real workout. You get good cardio because of all the jumping and moving around. It is a way to make working out fun for me since I have not done it in years. My sister has the Wii Fit and she said she is having wonderful results with that game system also.