JohnnyMART Member


  • I am currently pre-op, looking at a December surgery date. I had hoped to get the sleeve. I thought because I have irritable bowel at times, I did not want to do RNY and have even more irritable bowel (dumping). My surgeon did an EGD a week ago and found I have a severe case of acid reflux (I had no idea), a hiatel hernia,…
  • I'm right there with ya sister! My 6 months of dietary counseling will be done Dec. 2nd. I'm hoping for a December 18 surgery date! I have to lose 24lbs by then. I didn't take it too seriously at first, but now I am in check. I'm done 10lbs. We can support each other!
  • Thank you everyone for sharing. I am pre-op. My surgery date will be sometime in December. My insurance requires 6 months of dietary counseling before the surgery. I have met with the surgeon, his PA, and nutritionist. I had my psychological evaluation, and met with the nutritionist for the month of August. I am on a 1200…
  • Hi everyone, I'm so happy I found this thread. I'm pre-op right now. My insurance requires 6 months of dietary counseling before the surgery. I too am doing the gastric sleeve. My tentative date is Dec 2014. I'm struggling with telling friends and family. How do you tell them so that they understand and support you? So…
  • Haha! Yep! That's the one! I now have the answer to my question! Thank you!
  • I googled 'calories burned doing zumba' and found a website. It let me put in how much I weigh, and how long the zumba session was and what the intensity was as well. I then made my own 'cardio' exercise and logged what that website told me. I would share the website, but I don't know if we are supposed to share websites…
  • I'm the same way... I am always amazed at the fluctuation. Also, it keeps me on track. I look forward to waking in the morning and jumping on the scale. :laugh: Never thought i would say that! haha!
  • YA! That is so awesome! Congrats!
  • Just happened for me too!!! Congrats! Keep up the hard work!! I don't know about you; but I plataued for two weeks before I finally saw a "1" first on the scale.