

  • Welcome, we are all here to encourage each other:happy:
    in New Here Comment by cjeani April 2011
  • Hi! And Welcome. I am also disabled. I need double knee replacements among other surgeries, and I live with chronic pain. It is very hard for me to motivate myself to exercise. I have good days and bad ones, but I agree with you, even if I can't do a lot of walking or aerobics etc., If I can control what goes in my mouth,…
  • Yes I am very interested:smooched:
  • Great tip. I've been making a real nice meal out of the ramen noodles and was wondering if there was something that had less calories and carbs. I'll check it out.
  • Hi Ashley and welcome. I believe that if you really want to lose the weight, you have found the right community of supporters. Everyone has been great to me so far. I started last week, and find myself motivated to things that I just wouldn't do like exercise, walk. Now I look forward to seeing what combination of foods…
  • Of course. You will have some days that will be more of a challenge than others, the key is to never be too hard on yourself, and when you fall of the wagon ~ don't allow that to be a reason to stay off the wagon, just get back on as quickly as you can, and possibly do a little extra exercise, or eat less the next day. It…
  • I have not had this problem myself, but in one of my biology classes, we studied the connection between hormone and testosterone levels during exercise. Actually, exercise is suppose to increase the libido, as it increases the release of these hormones, however, it varies from person to person. In your case, you want to…