tayloryay Member


  • The peanut butter is the worst thing I've ever tasted in my entire life. I tried it once and it completely killed my appetite for the rest of the day. I guess that's one way to save calories.
  • Is there a reason you absolutely have to weigh yourself every day? Maybe taking a step back from the scale would be a good thing. Just keep doing what you've been doing and you'll stay on track. You don't need the scale for that.
  • I was looking forward to mine decreasing as well. So far I've gone from a G to a DD. My back and shoulders aren't sore nearly as often or as bad now! They're still pretty large compared to my frame but at least it's better. Like Katiebear said, you can't spot reduce, just lose weight and hope it comes off there.
  • They're not trolling you they're being serious. What you're doing is disordered.
  • Can I see your scientific evidence then? Because I can get you evidence for the 3000 calories. Or you could just look it up yourself, because the site (YourEatopia) has been mentioned multiple times already. Everything is fully cited and referenced. You're the one pulling numbers out of your *kitten*.
  • More specifically on the heart issues, your body scavenges from everywhere like someone else said. Specifically, it strips the insulation from the nerves (like those leading to your heart), called myelin. This can cause things to misfire, which when the heart is involved is extremely dangerous. Putting more strain on the…
  • Sorry, I use a ton of parentheses, it's a problem, haha.
  • Restrictive EDs destroy your heart. Sculli123, man, seriously, just stop. It's not applicable to someone with an ED. TDEE underestimates, people overestimate their intake if they don't have an ED, you're here trying to control the shape and weight of your body, and the whole point of recovering from an ED is to stop doing…
  • Well considering I said talk to a doctor in my first post I really don't see why you had a problem with it, or assumed I was talking about the people suggesting the same. She definitely needs to find a good treatment team, consisting of at least a physician, a nutritionist, and a therapist. Unfortunately at times that's…
  • Eating anything less than minimums is restrictive. 2000 calories is restrictive. She basically said she's still restricting, because she hasn't started really challenging the ED behaviors & thought patterns. I don't think it's acceptable for doctors to be clueless about EDs, especially considering they're on the rise and…
  • There are 4 comments in this thread alone suggesting she use a TDEE calculator, rather than listening to the scientifically backed guidelines on YourEatopia for ED recovery. I've seen people recommend lifting weights or other exercise while recovering, which could very well kill someone with an ED. Yes a lot of people…
  • There's pretty much no such thing as "healthy" weight loss for someone with a restrictive eating disorder. Especially if you follow the YourEatopia/MinnieMaud method and trust in set-point theory (and it's only a theory the way gravity is a theory, they know we have set-points they just aren't entirely sure how it works).…
  • Just to reiterate, DO NOT LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE ON A DIETING WEBSITE!!! YourEatopia is backed by scientific studies, and she links to all of them within her articles. It's been proven again and again that those numbers are correct, and what normal non-disordered people eat and maintain their set-point weight. 3,000 is not…
  • It's absolutely normal to have a decent layer of fat on your belly as a woman. A lot of your vital organs are there, so the body stores fat there to cushion and protect them. Having a bit of a bump there (as in, not a "flat tummy") is perfectly normal, because there are organs in there!! You don't need to have a dangerous…
  • I'm glad to hear you're fighting and eating, and that MFP is helping you. Just try not to let it become an obsession! Trying to control your weight when you have an eating disorder is a very, very dangerous game to play. You are a wonderful and amazing person no matter what your size. If you haven't, you should check out…
  • Welcome to the group!! What MMOs do you play? That's my poison too. I had actually mostly quit WoW but now Wildstar is coming out in a week so I'm preparing to get sucked back in!!
    in Hello! ♥ Comment by tayloryay May 2014
  • Since you are in recovery from a restrictive ED, you do NOT need to be exercising! Look at that YourEatopia link that was posted, read that entire site, it's so worth it. Your body has a set point that it will be healthy and happiest at, and there's nothing you can do to change that set point, so let your body work and do…
  • It's called reactive eating, it's your body's way of trying to get the nutrients it wants/needs. Make sure you aren't being too restrictive or aggressive with your calorie goal. Other than that, it's just one day, just move on and go back to your regular diet/eating the next day. Don't compensate by eating even less or you…
  • I believe you're supposed to take your "hip" measurement at the widest part of your butt, even if it was quite far down. I wouldn't worry about it too much, as more muscle is definitely a good thing!
  • I just ordered the shirt (and last piece) for my genderbent Joel from The Last of Us cosplay for A-kon in June! Unfortunately the only shirt I could find that matched is a men's large but I think I can make it work. I shouldn't have wasted time trying to find a smaller shirt & just tailored this one a bit or something but…
    in Cosplay! Comment by tayloryay May 2014
  • Yes, check out YourEatopia like the others have said. Since you're under 25 your minimum would be 3000 calories a day, and that's minimum! Early on (and randomly throughout recovery) you may experience extreme hunger and eat well over that amount. Minimum means minimum! Your body has a lot of repairing to do, so don't…
  • 1200 calories is a pretty low calorie goal. Since you've got less than 10 lbs left til your goal, make sure you've got it set to .5 lbs/week. Other than that, yes you've got the right idea. Your calorie deficit is already calculated in your original goal, so exercise calories are meant to be eaten back (assuming the burned…
  • Just go back to your normal schedule/plan. Don't try and compensate. What's done is done, it's in the past. It was one meal, it's not going to hurt you.
  • She probably forgot she posted the others because her brain is starving to death.
  • I absolutely need that on a t-shirt IMMEDIATELY! And now, Jensen Ackles stuffing his face!
  • 7 days if we never actually interacted at all, 14 days if there was some superficial interaction (likes, a comment or two). If I talked to them a lot before they disappeared then pretty much indefinitely.
  • Longer I Run by Peter Bradley Adams
  • Seriously, if she likes the frappe there's nothing wrong with it. OP - Do you have issues when consuming other dairy products in similar amounts? I'd suspect the milk before any sodium content. Maybe try it with soy milk one day and see if it still has the same effect.
  • This isn't technically A picture, more like a series of pictures with accompanying sound, but I think you Cumber*****es will like it. ;) http://youtu.be/sNPp74zh8lM
  • I don't think the macros are really your problem here. You're overeating in reaction to the previous day's extremely low intake. Start hitting your 1500 calorie goal and you should even out!