

  • I had a 9 1/2 pound boy about 8 months ago so I relate! Since your busy-ness seems to be your obstacle I would focus on having foods ready and prepared that you can grab and eat on the go. Can you wash/cut fruits and veggies after the boys go to bed? Also, I eat when the baby does, but do it "healthier" for me....he eats…
  • I had a 9 1/2 pound boy about 8 months ago so I relate! Since your busy-ness seems to be your obstacle I would focus on having foods ready and prepared that you can grab and eat on the go. Can you wash/cut fruits and veggies after the boys go to bed? Also, I eat when the baby does, but do it "healthier" for me....he eats…
  • looks delicious! I would love the recipe :)
  • I googled the chinese food I had the other night: "nutritional value (or nutrition facts) of sesame chicken (or whatever)." Find the one that is most similar to what you ate and there you have it. :)
  • I DEFINITELY wouldn't go too low since you may wind up overdoing it if you're feeling like you're starving! If it were me I would put in an extra-tough workout and eat "comfortably." If that means you're under your calories for the day, then that's great. But if you're starving I wouldn't cut back too much.:smile:
  • I hear you there! I have decided to let myself have a "cheat" day (Saturdays)....i still keep track of what I eat and workout harder than I do the rest of the week just to balance things a little but I truly believe you cannot eat perfectly every single day! If you completely deny yourself the foods you love, I think…
  • As PP mentioned, nuts are a great snack to add a few cals, and inexpensive if you hit the bulk aisle of your grocery store. I also like reduced fat triscuits (maybe with a slice of cheese?). Yogurt can also be a healthy, cheap snack if you buy the larger container or find individual ones on sale. Happy snacking! :)