

  • its lovely to get the compliments it means my hard work is paying off, i had to laugh when someone said to me "please don't be offended but have you lost weight?" (i was down 25lbs at the time) i just smiled and said no i'm not offended and yes i have lost weight thank you for noticing. keep up the good work and get ready…
  • wow what a change you've done so well deifinately own that 60lb you earned it :smile:
  • hello, another sheffield lass here although i now live in west yorkshire feel free to add me as a friend. xx
  • Hi sarah i'm new to mfp also but have been on my weight loss journey since january, i have hit a plateau and decided to change tack and count calories i have been following slimming world (lost 24lbs). i'm determined the weight is not coming back this time. My husband has always been lighter than me i'm hoping to change…
  • Hi I'm 46 been losing weight since january and have lost 24 lbs so far, only recently joined here so ticker shows only 3lbs still have a fair way to go to get to a healthy weight roughly 33 or so lbs will decide on a taget nearer the time. It would be lovely to have support from others as my oh has never had a problem with…