

  • stationary bike, put on some music and dance, walk up and down some stairs or just walk/speed walk. just do anything that will keep you active while you heal. doesnt need to be anything fancy. hope you have a speedy recovery! :)
  • i know most of the calculators online will tell you the calories needed to lose weight and the calories needed to maintain. i would start there when i get to maintenance. http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/
  • same here. just not hungry when i wake up.
  • in the words of the great edna mode... go! fight! win!
  • i would go and talk to the associates at finish line, foot locker, etc. most of them (not all) are pretty knowledgeable and can fit you with a good pair of running shoes so you dont hurt yourself in the process. running shoes are not created equal. learned that the hard and expensive way.
  • chicken fries/nuggets/fingers, mac n cheese, grilled cheese, quesadillas, meatloaf, fried rice, kid "sushi", noodle soup, lasagna, twice baked potatos go into our regular rotation. kids are 4 and 22 months. usually theyll have a small portion of what everyone else is having and i will make small side dishes just for them…
  • i cook all my veggies. not a raw veggie fan at all... i tend to make alot of stews and soups loaded with veggies and eat them that way. i also like sauteeing my vegetables in a little oil and salt til theyre softer and roasting/grilling veggies with oil and vinegar (theyre pretty tasty this way).
  • they dont work and they taste like chalk.
  • I just compare the time and calories burned and find what speed is closest to my numbers. May not be accurate but it works for me.
  • I must admit I was a bit confused at first. Then I looked at the picture and saw it was kg. :smile: Great job and keep it up!!
  • My husband let me choose my engagement ring. It was 300 dollars and it was on sale. I love my ring and it looks very vintage. For our anniversary he got me a ring guard to add onto it (also 300 dollars). Our wedding bands cost us less than 20 bucks (simple titanium bands) off amazon. Love them all. It's not the cost. It's…
  • When I had to keep the button on my jeans popped open. Not after a meal, all the time. Got on the scale and looked in the mirror, yep I was overweight. Muffin top? More like a soufflé top... :cry:
  • When I first started I had to kind of train myself to eat less. Ate what I normally ate the first week and then the next week id drop it down 100 calories. Kept doing that til I was used to eating less calories. Then I made sure to 'split' my calories and made sure I ate every few hours so I would have like 5-6 meals a…
  • If you can do it why not? For me tho, since I lacked some strength I went light to get my form down and then worked up to heavier weights.
  • 10 lbs in 2 months is awesome! difference between those diets and what youre doing now? youre gonna keep that weight off while those diet nuts start gaining again having a peanut.
  • from your pic id have to say look fanfriggintastic!! the mirror lies. i never see a change in it either. however when i look and compare pictures from before my losses to now i can definitely see huge differences in what i look like.
  • if my husband ever told me that hed be in the dog house. it would definitely light the fire under my butt to get it done tho. feels good to prove to yourself what you can do if you really want something.
  • I never kept it a secret but I didnt tell my husband right out either. After a month on this site, I told my husband Ive lost 5lbs. He was happy for me and mentioned he needed to lose a bit of weight too after noticing what I ate didnt change, just the portions and he was more than willing to try out mfp too. He likes it…
  • i like the blue diamond vanilla almond breeze (sweetened) or the aldi brand vanilla almond milk (sweetened).
  • yep. day one i was constantly taking breaks during the entire workout. i was dying at the end of it. still did it every day, pushed thru it and i did notice my endurance start improving by day 4. keep going!
  • i must say yoga is no joke. i havent taken a class for it but ive had a friend show me a few of the poses to help me loosen up. i thought it looked easy, and i fell flat on my face trying to do it. once i got those few moves down it felt pretty amazing. my balance and posture has actually improved with only a few moves.
  • i would personally indulge in all the goodies and not worry about it for the day. the fair is a special occasion for me to get treats i normally cant find or am unwilling to make myself. one day isnt gonna kill my progress.
  • sounds like this trainer thinks your threatening his job since youre helping your sister get fit without his "expertise".
  • ill add that the "fit" girls usually never make it out a class unscathed either. ive seen plenty with perfect makeup, hair all done, newly manicured nails, cute outfit go in. when class is over, out shuflle zombies with makeup running, hair all blown up, busted up nails and sweat soaked clothes. :laugh:
  • honestly, if i saw you at the gym, id be in awe of you and turn into your cheerleader. you have the balls to get in there. to see someone willing to try and then try their hardest is very inspiring to me. keep up the great work!!
  • i was a natural big baby. ive noticed that the bigger babies around me are all being made to be big. i see them being fed baby cereal way before it should be introduced. i hear people give bad advice such as putting baby cereal in their bottle with the formula/bm to keep them fuller longer, so they pass out at night so you…
    in Obese babies Comment by zytah July 2013
  • i dont eat "clean", but im eating "cleaner" than before.
  • youtube it?
  • so people say. eating 1200 calories made me a very sad and angry panda bear. personally i dont believe anyone should eat 1200 calories or under but to each their own. i agree with this. **for the record since I cant edit my previous post, this time around is by the mfp way, not the harley pasternak way.**
  • that sounds like the same program he used for his "swimsuit ready in 20 days" segment on the revolution before it got canned. 5 small meals a day, week 1 was blended food only (soup, dip or smoothie), week 2 reintroduce and replace 1 meal with solid food, week 3 reintroduce 1 more meal, etc. i tried the diet. walked 10,000…