

  • Thanks to everyone - I will see how things pan out for next week. Good luck with your weight loss.
  • Thanks for all your comments, very helpful. I must say at 60 yrs I don't exercise the same, I walk the dog every day between 30/60 mins. Some days I'm over my quoted 1200 cals but my exercise points compensate, is that wrong? Also, what is my 350 deficit, does that mean I have to save that amount over the week to lose a…
  • Thanks for getting back to me = what I meant is I sometimes go over my 1200 cal a day by using up my exercise gains is that bad. Also what does 390 daily defict mean?
  • What is the healthiest PB to eat? I thought it was high in calories.
  • You have answered one of my guestions, but I don't always eat my calories allocated each day. Will that stop me losing weight? Cannot check are I think my scales are dodgy.