ToddsFitnessPal Member


  • when getting into something like heavy lifting....i would err on the side of too many calories before erring on the side of too can always adjust after a month or so.
  • lol...thats very little carbs...everything you posted you ate after lifting was pretty low carb...banana was the highest!!!!!! no wonder you were craving carbs. After your a *kitten* ton of fruit...and oats and wheat bread and stuff like that...your body needs to replenish its glycogen stores.
  • don't do anything drastic. keep what your are doing for 3-4 weeks before coming to any further conclusions. 9 lbs in 6 water weight.....then you said you didn't lose you probably did lose some...but also began to hold water again...which your body must do... weight loss is slooooooooooowww. stick with…
  • first off.....take those numbers with a grain of salt... I could weigh myself at the end of a day after a large meal and a bottle of water then weigh myself two days later in the morning after a HUGE *kitten* and I'd weigh ten less pounds then the previous weigh in. Doesn't mean I loss 10 pounds of FAT in 2 days. Those…
  • it doesn't have to be a daily thing. you can use 100 extra calories from say 4 days of working out to eat 400 more calories on a day you don't workout. your body isnt a calculator which adds up your weight loss/gain at the end of each day. I exercise in part so that I can eat more EVERYDAY....not just days where I workout.…
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