feeling discouraged

I've been doing really well lately but feeling kinda discouraged as I had a bad weekend then a close friend of mine posted on FB how since janurary she's lost 30lbs, in the same amount of time I've lost 12lbs, which is still a great accomplishment I know and i'm super happy for my friend. but it makes me think how can some people loose weight faster than others. I have been trying really hard. i'll get back into it and I know I will reach my goal, but I really needed to rant.


  • xstarxdustx
    xstarxdustx Posts: 591 Member
    You've still lost and that is something to be truly proud of. Embrace it. Remind yourself of your goals. You WILL reach them.
  • fluffymcfluzzin
    fluffymcfluzzin Posts: 12 Member
    do you do a workout routine? you could try changing up your workout routine. That might help. Also if you build muscle that weighs more then fat. So you could be losing more inches and the pounds not going down. I have been doing a program for 2 months losing only 12 pounds but i lost 5.5 inches just in my waist and more in other places. so dont get discouraged you will get to your goal just keep going.
  • Denise_Valentine
    Denise_Valentine Posts: 93 Member
    thanks I do workout and try to mix things up to keep it interesting, I didn't measure inches when I started so unsure how much I've lost since then... but am now keeping a record
  • annagoodner
    annagoodner Posts: 18 Member
    I think discouragement is part of the journey. It's what you do with the discouragement that really matters. We can't let it define us or derail us, but rather press on through it. And sometimes, it just helps to rant :)
  • Petrapoo45
    Petrapoo45 Posts: 271 Member
    I know exactly how you feel!! I have literally been hovering around the same weight for probably 2 months. Up a few pounds, down a few pounds...It gets to be soooo hard!! Just this week I am back in full force here on MFP after about a month break. Sometimes you just get so sick and tired of feeling so sick and tired you know?! Its especially hard not to compare yourself to your friends and family, I know how it is. But at the end of the day, you have to do what is right for you. We CAN do it!! :bigsmile:
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    A lot of different factors can play into how fast she is losing. She might have more to lose, might be following a different plan, etc. I can understand how discouraging it can be though. Try not to compare your loss with hers and focus on your own success instead.
  • marygee1951
    marygee1951 Posts: 148 Member
    You're doing great - don't get discouraged. No matter how fast we lose, we want it to be faster.

    Your friend might be doing something else to lose weight - she might be on a "diet" where she's being more restrictive - which might also cause her to get tired of the diet quickly and she'll regain the weight. Better to do it with a life-style change where the weight may come off slower but you're learning good habits that will last.

    Keep going - you're doing great! :flowerforyou:

  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    Was she heavier than you initially?

    It sucks to do your best and still end up two steps behind. But, such is life! Pummel that frustration into fuel for your fire. :)
  • Alissakae
    Alissakae Posts: 317 Member
    Boy do I know the feeling! I've been watching a friend post her losses on FB for months. She has been losing twice as fat as me using medifast and everybody is raving about how great she looks. Nobody notices my loss. But I'm hanging in there....I'm pretty sure I will be more successful at maintaining my loss.

    Also....she is now complaining about her sagging skin, and I don't have that problem even though I'm older :-)
  • darwinwoodka
    darwinwoodka Posts: 322 Member
    I've seen friends lose weight quickly only to put it back on when they go off their "diet". Losing slowly and learning to change your eating habits permanently will get it off and keep it off. Don't feel discouraged, you're doing just fine.
  • ToddsFitnessPal
    ToddsFitnessPal Posts: 9 Member
    first off.....take those numbers with a grain of salt...

    I could weigh myself at the end of a day after a large meal and a bottle of water then weigh myself two days later in the morning after a HUGE *kitten* and I'd weigh ten less pounds then the previous weigh in. Doesn't mean I loss 10 pounds of FAT in 2 days.

    Those numbers mean nothing.

    Losing fat is a slow process....if done quickly...it most likely is done incorrectly and/or unsustainably. LOSING FAT AND LOSING WEIGHT are two different things. Losing fat is the goal. Losing weight quickly usually results in mostly water weight or the loss of muscle....which would then raise your bf% and make you look worse.

    Scr*w the numbers. Enjoy the lifestyle!