Most important part is just to force yourself away from the food you know is bad. Make smart decision's when you eat. If you say, this one time won't hurt, the one time turns in to many times. Stay on course.
Whats your e-mail. I will send you a lot of great stuff.
Thank you. Did 100 minutes of mountain biking today. Burnt approx. 100 calories
Yes, you weren't replenishing your energy so you body was storing excess fat.
Of course sleep. Elevated stress and less sleep without energizing is bad. Eat a nice bowl of cereal in the first 30 minutes of being awake. 4 - 6 meals a day.
Forgot this topic. DO NOT DRINK GATORADE, VIATAMEN WATER, OR ANY OF THOSE TYPE DRINKS UNLESS YOU ARE GOING FOR A TOUGH WORKOUT. ONLY DRINK THAT STUFF DURING OR SHORTLY AFTER THE WORKOUT. Water is by far the best thing to drink when sitting around at work. Just remember, if the sugar content is more than half the carbs it's…
Just remember that as you work out you gain muscle that you probably haven't ever had or had in a long time. You need muscle to burn fat. It's a temp thing I promise. Don't stop and keep working hard. Inches are just as good as pounds.