

  • Too much loose skin can be a real bummer, but remember that looking better is only a part of weight loss. The advantages of better health FAR outweigh mere apperance. The skin should gain some elasticity over time if you keep the weight off and don't regain thus restretch the skin, and I have also heard that proper…
  • Hi! First of all, grats on making the choice to make a change. Even if you slip a little, it's OK, we're all only human The key factor is to keep trying to lead a healthier life, and not neccessarily a skinny life or nutritionally deprived life. Although it's great to look good, the thing of REAL importance is health.…
  • From the western 'burbs, but Chicagoland?... sounds like an amusement park . Is there a ride like the Capone Coaster or something - lol
  • Are you possibly eating a lot of salt? Salt retains water, and water weighs 8 pounds per gallon, so a 4 pound increase may only be an exta half gallon of water that your body is holding on to.
  • Hi! My name is Eric. I had a quadruple bypass a few years ago and was also a diabetic at 389 pounds. Since I began losing weight, I have gotten completely OFF of my Lantis injections and have cut my cardiac meds in half. Keep the faith and keep up with the whole grains (they're in pastas, too :D) and if you're really…
  • Sounds good! I have to try this...
  • Yes, I'm always tempted to skip after a rough week, but if I actually weigh, I can physically SEE the effect of whatever undermined me for the week. It makes me alittle stronger for the upcoming week, and besides, you may actually have lost anyways. Besides, this is all about new, healthy habits, right? Just keep that…
  • I never used to drink any water; always Coca Cola or beer. Since I started this diet, I try to drink a much H2O as I can, but I usually find it hard to get a half gallon downed per day, but I agree: I haven't felt this good in years. I hadn't realized how de-hydrated I actually was every day, but it's painfully obvious…
  • Thanks a million! And you as well... :)