

  • feel free to add me too
  • For me its the shoulders and the arms, and then he has to have something to talk about, and eyes that tell me what he is thinking without having to tell me. Truly a sense of confidence without arrogance and a desire to make something of himself and include me in his plan. Foolish maybe, I dont' really care if he works at…
  • nicely done. Way to stick with it girl!
  • lol beautiful we all are, yes. Single are some! lol
  • I never had a problem with it ... but .. its nice to see that some people can take criticism well. McKay .. you are a rockin chick!
  • Hello first of all. If you have plateaued, you could perhaps try eating differently. Definitely breakfast is a way to jumpstart your metabolism, perhaps if you aren't hungry, try a shake or something/meal replacement, something small, simple and easy. As for work outs, perhaps change it up a bit, add weights a couple times…
  • Awesome! gives me hope and is such an inspiration. I am 30 pounds from where you are now, and I am excited to see that it is possible. Well done! You look so great!
  • Women's one a day, vitamin D, bi monthly B12 (as directed by Dr), Iron (also directed by Dr) and a well balanced diet. I did all the blood work with the Dr. first, and he said this would be a good combo.
  • So proud of you! Thank you for sharing that! Glad you are comfortable enough to share and that you feel confident enough to run and enjoy yourself.
  • Agreed and if the nutritionist showed you how to eat properly, it should be healthy and well balanced. Agree with everyone, that you should follow the advice of the Dr.
  • I usually munch on some snap peas or something. It doesn't hurt to eat after 6, you just dont' want to carb load before you go to bed, thats all. I agree with the others about the protein shake, if you are hungry, you are likely missing something during the day. Just choose something that isn't too carb heavy. Good luck.
  • I would have it looked at. Its possible you landed heavier on one foot than the other, its possible you were over compensating with one of your feet more than the other. If you want to be safe, I would have it looked at it. Better safe than sorry is my motto. Hope everything works out.
    in Injury? Comment by marrtini July 2011
  • Sounds great .. I am going to have to give it a try. Thanks for the idea and the general recipe!
  • You could try to zig zag the calories you are eating, so one day you eat normally and then the next a little less or a little more ... as an example. I looked at your diary and you do need to eat more. You are barely feeding your body especially with your exercise. You could try to increase or change the exercise routine…
  • Technically I guess I cheat .. but I always log it, no matter what it is, and usually they are planned. We are human, I dont' see it as cheating .. I see it as being human, there are things I want and enjoy, and there are days when I can't resist.
    in Cheating ? Comment by marrtini June 2011
  • Welcome, we are all here with a similar goal. Most of us are unhappy with our bodies/weight or something like that, and some of us have reached our goals, and just want to support everyone else. I am still reaching for my goal ... but we are all here to be happier, healthier and we all help one another. Feel free to add me.
  • Agreed, its your anniversary .. live it up .. then jump back on track the next day. You have to remember its life, and you are allowed to live it ... so go, enjoy .. live it!
  • A lot of the women here have PCOS, and we sometimes talk about it openly. Some have diabetes and some have heart issues, and some have fibromyalgia. I would like to say welcome, we are here to support everyone! If you need help, ask, generally we are all here. We all have the same goals, and when you need motivation, thats…
  • I added you, but in general, anyone on MFP is a great source of motivation and support. When you need it, ask, and when you feel strong, you can offer support to someone else. We are all one family with one goal in mind, to lose the weight and get healthier. Glad to add you as a friend.
  • We all have our vices, and bravo to you for figuring out what yours is. Knowing when you aren't strong enough to get past it, is one of the best things you can tell yourself. Its like that moment when you suddenly realize you are full and there is still food on your plate. Be proud for recognizing your current strengths…
  • if you like sweet, you can add a little bit of sugar free jam (keeps the calories down) or regular jam if its not a problem for you. You can add salsa or any kind of fruit and or granola. I personally love cottage cheese and eat it a lot, my personal favourite mix is pineapple and cottage cheese, if you can't stomach it,…
  • Have you tried: berries or other fruit with yogurt? bacon and eggs? fruit or salsa and cottage cheese? hardboiled eggs? cheese and nuts? fritattas? scramled eggs with jicama and hashbrowns? Just some low carb ideas, things my mom and I eat because she is diabetic, a little higher in fat, but mostly healthy fats,and it…
  • I still get that when I walk too fast without listening to my body, I typically just slow down for a little bit. I find a good solid pair of shoes helps, some really good stretching before and after helps, and also being more aware of your form helps. My Dr. told me to slow down when the pain starts and then pick up the…
  • Agreed about the recipe/food tab
  • LMFAO .. too funny! *hand raised to previous question*
  • Not many people post menus here, its more a matter of thinking about what you are eating before you eat it. If you want recipes and stuff, look at the blogs and post topics *search recipes/menus* and you should find something. Its not a diet, its a lifestyle change, you just have to choose to eat a little less of some…
    in menus! Comment by marrtini May 2011
  • I am not in Alaska .. and I am 33, but my last relationship had me gain a fair bit of weight as well. Feel free to friend me. Everyone here is generally helpful and friendly. I have a bunch of weight left to lose, so ... feel free to talk anytime. Good luck on the rest of your journey too.
  • I hear you .. and congratulations. I started running at the same weight, and it was a great sense of victory and a wonderful pay off. Be proud, I am proud of you. Keep up the great push girl.
  • You look great, thanks for posting those, its quite inspirational to see people actually get to where they want to be. Enjoy the honeymoon and congrats on the soon to be wedding. Congratulations on the successes!
  • I am working at it slowly in chunks. I dont' have a trainer, but I have MFP, a lot of support and a desire to be healthier. I work at it one day at a time and one small goal at a time. Everyone is right, its easier to see it in small chunks its no so overwhelming. I have about 180lb to lose still. Its a long road, but ...…