ladykc013 Member


  • Hi All, I'm a nursing mom to my almost 8-month old baby boy. I started using MFP at the beginning of April and have been shocked by how much awareness this has given me and how much I've been able to lose by just tracking what I'm eating. I was really afraid of exercise affecting my supply which is why it took me so long…
  • Hi! My son is 7 months and I am still in my yoga pants because nothing fits! I lost weight initially, but have gained it all back. I've only been using this app for about 2 weeks and it has been so helpful! It's just nice to keep track of what I'm eating because it makes me more accountable. I find myself looking for ways…
  • Hey All, I'm Kassy and have a 7-month old boy (my first!). I am looking to lose quite a bit and have found this app to be helpful so far! Just keeping track of my eating habits helps me make better decisions and though it's not easy working full time and being mommy full time as well, I'm determined to get to feeling…
  • You add it the food section! Just search 'breastfeeding' and it will give you options based on how often your little one nurses. HTH!
  • Hi All, First off, great job to all of you guys! Breastffeeding is not always easy and honestly not even understood in some cases (at least in my experience), so it's awesome to see other moms reaching their breastfeeding goals I'm 24 years old and am a new mom to my almost 7 month old baby boy who I'm proud to say has…