fitkemi Member


  • Which brand did you use? and how long did you use it?
  • I'm 20 and working on a degree in Kinesiology and Biology. I would love and appreciate support from you guys! I would love to motivate and support you all as well. Our individual goals are all different, but the main purpose of this (..and correct me if I'm wrong..) is HEALTHY WEIGHT LOSS. I'm here to support and get…
  • That sounds like a good idea to me. I might try the one cheat meal a week but still try to make that cheat meal as healthy a possible. I'll look into those Atkins bars, as well... thanks
  • Recently, I did a NO carb diet (except the carbs in fruits and veggies) for 1 week and dropped lbs like crazy! This ended last friday. Now, I am on a low carb diet, because after that experience, I just felt so good but i knew it wasn't a realistic goal for myself to completely stop eating carbs. I have been looking up…
  • Hey! I JUST joined like less than a week ago, and i feel like im doing alright so far without any friends, but as i logged on each day and see the support and motivation from people on the message boards, I cant help but think.."I NEED SOME MFP FRIENDS :sad: " Haha I'm 20 years old, 5'8, 186lbs. I started at around 198,…
  • Hmm, you're probably building muscle as well as burning fat since you exercise. And since muscle ways more than fat, that could be a possible reason to your concern. Hope that helped a bit :)
  • Just kidding, i just saw the dates above the pics! Haha But what have you been doing?
  • NICE! What have you been doing?? And how long had it been before you started seeing progress?
  • 5'8" starting at 186, trying to get to 165. 13/14 pant size