jlclabo Member


  • yes, but the drop to .5 a week is a good idea, especially with only 10lbs to go. just make sure you are eating back your exercise calories and up your protein a little bit. initially your weight may go up just a little from water retention when you start lifting, so do fret over it. it will go away as your body gets…
  • Nice!!! you guys are making this decision that much better. ive never used a belt and figured with the weights im getting up to, its probably a good thing to assure i keep good abdominal pressure.
    in Belt Time Comment by jlclabo July 2014
  • well belt is ordered!!! best belts Athlete 4", single prong, black.... now i wait...... is it here yet, lol
    in Belt Time Comment by jlclabo July 2014
  • thats the belt im about to order. just making sure of my sizing.... now where is that dang tape measure, lol
    in Belt Time Comment by jlclabo July 2014
  • i know several with lever belts and they like them, but i like the simplistic prong belt. Chelsea of Chelsealifts on youtube has had several lever belts break with her so she switched to a single prong. the are supposed to be good to go and ready for use right out of the box, or so they say on their website.…
    in Belt Time Comment by jlclabo July 2014
  • thanks for the quick reply. thats what i was thinking. some times that extra hole is worth the hassle though..... lmao!!!!
    in Belt Time Comment by jlclabo July 2014
  • depending on your level of exercise(calories burnt) you may be under eating. i would highly suggest upping your water intake by double at minimum..... have you seen a dietician concerning your current intake?
  • Pause Deadlifts today....
  • same here. if i dont have my powerlifts with me for some odd reason, i dont squat.
  • i use Adidas Powerlift 2.0 for squats. love them. the heel isnt quite as high as adipowers or romaleos. i got mine new shipped to the door for 85.00 from ebay. i deadlift in Converse Cons Anarchys......
  • not a fan of Quest Bars. tried a few and didnt like them. personally i like the MetRX 100 bars. so good!!!
  • New PR on deadlifts last night. 500x1
  • if strictly upper body focused, then i would say Pendlay Rows..... builds Back/Bicep/Core/Hams/Glutes.
  • hand placement is not a set position. it is what is comfortable for you and allows you the best support. arms(elbows) should stay in alignment with your torso as you descend into the squat.
  • Dymatize is one of the best on the market. you can get a 10lb box for 85.00 from around 130 cals, 25g protein, 3 carb, 2 fat, 100mg sodium, 1 fiber. no maltodextrin or added fillers. tastes great and mixed smooth.
  • ^^^This.... i still get sore in my entire upper back when i squat. you are loading weight onto your back, and even though you are not rowing or pressing the weight using the back, you are stabilizing and carrying the load there. its a good thing so go with it and keep squatting. you will love the outcome.
  • i personally like to bake mine whole, then add 33g almond butter and cinnamon to the baked sweet potato. so yummy. as for fries, love love love them!!!!! mix a little stevia and cinnamon and sprinkle over them while still hot.
  • Honestly, just do it to have fun. i over thought my first meet and it went nothing like i hope, but it was still fun. dont worry about cutting weight for your first meet. just register for the class you are in as of now. most of them will give you the option to move up or down depending on what you weigh in at. like Julie…
  • my program runs squats and deads the same day and both are 80% on the heavy day and 70% on volume days, along with all accessory work that consists of ham curls, calf raises, stiff leg dl, and leg press. it does take a little to get use to it, but i love it.
  • 5' 9" 265lbs 39yo bf% too high, lol.. mid 20's bench 360x1 touch and go, 315x3 close grip 3 second pause each rep, 225x20+ reps squat 500+ beltless, below parallel deadlift 500+ beltless, no hitching, full lockout standing barbell OHP 225x3 cable straight bar tricep push down 190x8-10 for 3 sets barbell strict curl 145x1…
  • squats and deads all the way....
  • ideally you want to get your protein from whole food sources, but if you do drink them, and i do daily, i usually drink one after a workout, or before i go to bed. sometimes ill have one earlier in the day as a smoothie with fresh fruit, spinach, and almond/peanut butter as a meal replacement. whey isolates are the "best"…
  • i dont know if i should take this seriously or lol..... i think hamstrings parallel to floor is the minimum depth anyone should have for a legit squat. as for the ATG squats, i use to be able to get there, but not so much any more... 2 very bad ankle injuries when i was younger are finally taking their toll on me as i get…
  • strength primarily and if it leads to 230-240lbs at 10% bf then ill take it.
  • i tried the cookie dough and white chocolate raspberry Quest bars and yuck..... very chalky tasting. personally i love the MetRX colossal 100 bars. crunchy apple pie, peanut butter pretzel, and cookies and cream are the bomb!!!
  • Dymatize Elite Gourmet Isolate- chocolate mint flavor(tastes like drinking girl scout thin mint cookies) i get mine from 10lb box for 85.00 they do have it in smaller sizes too
  • Gender: Male Age: 39 Height: 5' 9.5" Starting weight: 296 Current Weight: 265, was down to 254 on a very hard cut that killed my strength Goal weight: 12-14% body fat, weight is irrelivent Activity level: Moderate Weight loss goal: >1lb a week roughly Calorie Goal (Net): 2525 Average Calorie intake: 2450-2500 unless i…
  • picked up a new 3 rep PR last week. hit 455x3 and it felt solid and decently easy. looking forward to breaking the 500 barrier very soon.
  • 70 grams protein powder 1 cup frozen chopped spinach 100 grams frozen blueberries 34 grams almond butter liquid of choice(water, milk, soy, etc...) to desired thickness Ice if you want it chilled and more like a smoothie.
  • today is high volume upper body plus cardio....