GeeWillickers Member


  • I've been moving into the bourbons over the past year. Specifically I find they have more flavour for my palette. There is less rye based whisky up here then there used to be and most Canadian whiskies are more and more blended. At the moment I have Maker's Mark and Elijah Craig in my cabinet. Only a glass of each but,…
  • Put the eggs in water and bring to a rolling boil. Cover and turn off for 10 to 15 min's. I leave for 15 min's on old electric stove. Then put them into ice water for at least 5 to 10 min's. And I concur on using eggs that are a little older.
  • I do think society is very fat phobic and there are a**holes out there. There are also a**holes who are fat and obnoxious. Nothing in modern society when it deals with individuals can be defined in simplistic terms. We do love to classify and judge people...hmmm come to think about it all of society is pretty much filled…
  • I had a medium one of these this past week. Those fascists removed the double bacon cheeseburger one. And by the way did blood test last month and according to my doctor am strong like OX. :p
  • Most of the studies that I've read with these ranges involve athletes. Personally I wouldn't go under .45 grams per pound while maintaining. Last year I believe there was a study of .6 grams per pound in a deficit maintaining lean body mass. In theory the higher may add muscle but, outside of muscle biopsies who knows.…
  • You seem to know what's best for all. It's not that you're a pretentious hippy it's that you come off as pretentious in general. Having been someone who grew up in agriculture I admire your choices greatly and your enthusiasm. However, simply knowing the names of your farmers is a bit naive. For example back in the…
  • Taste is so subjective. Best bet is to reach out to the manufacturers and see if they will send you samples and go from there. Supplementsource always throws in a few samples of various flavors so, I'm sure other places do.
  • Have my doubts on the validity of that. You would have to be consuming a considerable amount. Even if it is true for her doesn't mean it will be for others. I experimented with large quantities of soy and it did have an effect on me hormonally. Haven't read up on soy lately but, the science is pretty solid that excessive…
  • First, congratulations on losing the weight. I don't think you need thicker skin but, need to accept yourself more. People look at both sexes. I'm sure you've taken a glance or to at whomever appeals to you even if you weren't aware. What constitutes a pervy look? I don't know how someone can tell or read other people's…
  • This is so true and I was stressing over my potassium levels. You can type into google something like potassium in lean ground beef and it will bring up a calculator. Not all foods are up but, many. I've started adding potassium into foods I have based on this. Even if there is a variance from brand to brand it shouldn't…
  • Coffee may actually hydrate the body in moderation. Problem with studies and word of mouth is there are always other studies. Common sense would be if you are thirsty drink, if not don't. People seem to forget that water is in a great deal of food and if you eat a balanced diet that will contribute to hydration. Don't…
  • Don't need to mention pay rates as the interwebs is a great place. Now having been down in MA a number of times I doubt that you could live on that. Of course you could go look up rents, etc. She did nothing wrong other than offend a bunch of antiquated prudes…
  • Exactly. Most of the people who claim that one or the other person have an upper hand aren't grasping the overall concept. It's not as simple as that and never will be in terms of a D/s relationship, perhaps in pure Top/bottom play. Also, the original suggestion that all Dom's are trying to get a sub to safe word is 100%…
  • Poorly written, not even remotely researched, celebrates and romanticizes pedophilia of young teenage boys, romanticizes abuse. She confused domineering with dominant and aggressive with alpha. I can see so many young inexperienced women getting taken in by predators. Also, along with the movie I expect we'll see poorly…
  • ^^ This. I'm almost 6'3" and 34.5" waist. Frankly, there is no one size fits all. You will drive yourself crazy trying to fit into some broad generalized statistical assumption. Body fat is a better indicator for health than BMI, waist, etc. I use Hamwi method for my bodyweight with a large frame selection.
  • PB, Honey, Cinnamon, walnuts, 2 scoops of whey protein. It's huge, when I make it I use a 12 cup glass measuring cup with a lid and roughly 150 grams quick oat's.
  • You never mentioned how quick that 10 pound loss happened. Often we lose that right off the start in simple water weight. Before panicking realize that it will take some weeks before you start to notice a consistent pattern of loss. Heck, I bounce 10 up and down week to week depending on activities. To illustrate I just…
  • It sets a great example if people spent time going beyond the headlines and thought for themselves. The added bonus is all the butthurt across the internet from the cleaning eating brigades and minions of "insert whatever faddy type diet or *cough* lifestyle (oxygenarian, etc) in here* thumpers.
  • -24 Celsius/-11 Fahrenheit, -37C/-34F with windchill in Southern Ontario here. Is warming up. With windchill earlier was -40. All the provincial roads closed out in the sticks where I am
  • Are you sure you are eating enough? Is your goal weight loss or just maintenance? I'm almost 6'3 and maintaining around 3300 at around 210/215 (large frame) with only three days lifting plus walking. I do find that that foods like sausages seem to increase my appetite versus solid meats such as pork roasts. Frankly, the…