fifty shades of grey



  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I read the trilogy on vacation. It was hard for me to like the first one because the mere thought of being a submissive for anyone made me angry, (plus I think it was written for simple minds) but then I really liked the idea of HAVING a submissive, then I read the second and liked it better. I read the third because, well I just did........

    Had I not been on vacation with my husband I probably would have been angry about spending the money on them. But there were times that it did work to my advantage. :wink:

    Thing about being a sub really is that you hold the power, you set your own hard and soft limits, you can give or withold your safe word the dom wants to make you give the safe word and will see how far they can push to make you. You get to play and see how far you can make them go to make you use your safe word. The doms only think they have the upper hand...

    I would say experienced doms "know" they don't have the upper hand..but then again, I don't feel that subs do either. I'd more say it comes down to a relationship based on equal responsibility and trust. Really a give and take on both sides.
  • GeeWillickers
    GeeWillickers Posts: 85 Member
    I read the trilogy on vacation. It was hard for me to like the first one because the mere thought of being a submissive for anyone made me angry, (plus I think it was written for simple minds) but then I really liked the idea of HAVING a submissive, then I read the second and liked it better. I read the third because, well I just did........

    Had I not been on vacation with my husband I probably would have been angry about spending the money on them. But there were times that it did work to my advantage. :wink:

    Thing about being a sub really is that you hold the power, you set your own hard and soft limits, you can give or withold your safe word the dom wants to make you give the safe word and will see how far they can push to make you. You get to play and see how far you can make them go to make you use your safe word. The doms only think they have the upper hand...

    I would say experienced doms "know" they don't have the upper hand..but then again, I don't feel that subs do either. I'd more say it comes down to a relationship based on equal responsibility and trust. Really a give and take on both sides.

    Exactly. Most of the people who claim that one or the other person have an upper hand aren't grasping the overall concept. It's not as simple as that and never will be in terms of a D/s relationship, perhaps in pure Top/bottom play.

    Also, the original suggestion that all Dom's are trying to get a sub to safe word is 100% false. They push your limits and the safe word is in place for *cough* "safety", go figure.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I read the trilogy on vacation. It was hard for me to like the first one because the mere thought of being a submissive for anyone made me angry, (plus I think it was written for simple minds) but then I really liked the idea of HAVING a submissive, then I read the second and liked it better. I read the third because, well I just did........

    Had I not been on vacation with my husband I probably would have been angry about spending the money on them. But there were times that it did work to my advantage. :wink:

    Thing about being a sub really is that you hold the power, you set your own hard and soft limits, you can give or withold your safe word the dom wants to make you give the safe word and will see how far they can push to make you. You get to play and see how far you can make them go to make you use your safe word. The doms only think they have the upper hand...

    I understand what you are saying but I still can not wrap my head around someone telling me what to do. I think this is the reason my husband married me. He can be controlling and domineering, he tried that crap with me and I told him to go f*&^ himself. He absolutely loves and hates that I am independent and do not allow anyone to run over me.

    Although I do not mind a good spankin every once and a while.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Not at all. I'm not even fully committed to the lifestyle. I just don't like it when total vanilla people make comments like "omg why do you have freaking weird toys, that wrong" and then read 50 Shade and all of a sudden forget about your freaky toys, "omg I love s&m it's hot."
    Why are all these people seeing your sex toys?
  • CharbyOttawa
    CharbyOttawa Posts: 49 Member
    If you hated it so much why did you keep reading? That's like someone who sends a meal back at a restaurant after they've eaten 90% of it, lol.

    I didn't keep reading it. I picked up the book out of morbid curiosity, as it was on sale in the remnants bin at my local library for 2$.

    I got to the scene where Anastasia lost her virginity to Christian, and she had three orgasms. I flung the book across the room, and called bull****. I don't care who you are, nobody believes that tripe.

    Oh, and the writing hurt my brain. Bad grammar, bad sentence structure, bad research, repeaated use of "OH MY!!!!:" and lip-biting. I could go on, but I didn't even make it halfway through the book before giving up. Life's too short to read bad fan-fiction.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    So let me get this right, everyone who read this series hated it? The author sure made a lot of money off of people who hate her work.

    I read the books. They were a quick, easy, entertaining read. So they don't depict a healthy BDSM relationship. So she didn't research the topic enough. Author made a but-load of money. I was entertained for a few hours along with thousands of other people. win/win

    If you hated it so much why did you keep reading? That's like someone who sends a meal back at a restaurant after they've eaten 90% of it, lol.
    I listened to the audiobooks on YouTube and didn't pay a dime for the books. I finished them for a few reasons: They became so absurb it was like trying to look away from a horrible accident. The audiobooks, while not trying to be, are hysterically funny due to the way the readers do the voices -- especially the male voices. And because I didn't want to publicly trash them and be told, "You didn't read them so you don't know what you're talking about.
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    Not at all. I'm not even fully committed to the lifestyle. I just don't like it when total vanilla people make comments like "omg why do you have freaking weird toys, that wrong" and then read 50 Shade and all of a sudden forget about your freaky toys, "omg I love s&m it's hot."
    Why are all these people seeing your sex toys?

    :laugh: Inquiring minds want to know!!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    there's NO WAY that book (let alone two more, plus movie deals!) got published without her greasing a publisher or two's wheels

    It got published because of its online success. Sadly, it got published not because of sexual favors but because apparently millions of people thought it was that good.

    Soon we'll be seeing the walls of the Met covered in drawings by 3-year-olds because that is the fine arts world equivalent to a major publisher putting these books into print.
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    I read the trilogy on vacation. It was hard for me to like the first one because the mere thought of being a submissive for anyone made me angry, (plus I think it was written for simple minds) but then I really liked the idea of HAVING a submissive, then I read the second and liked it better. I read the third because, well I just did........

    Had I not been on vacation with my husband I probably would have been angry about spending the money on them. But there were times that it did work to my advantage. :wink:

    Thing about being a sub really is that you hold the power, you set your own hard and soft limits, you can give or withold your safe word the dom wants to make you give the safe word and will see how far they can push to make you. You get to play and see how far you can make them go to make you use your safe word. The doms only think they have the upper hand...

    I would say experienced doms "know" they don't have the upper hand..but then again, I don't feel that subs do either. I'd more say it comes down to a relationship based on equal responsibility and trust. Really a give and take on both sides.

    Exactly. Most of the people who claim that one or the other person have an upper hand aren't grasping the overall concept. It's not as simple as that and never will be in terms of a D/s relationship, perhaps in pure Top/bottom play.

    Also, the original suggestion that all Dom's are trying to get a sub to safe word is 100% false. They push your limits and the safe word is in place for *cough* "safety", go figure.

    Yes I was oversimplistic and possibly control would be a better word than power but a dom does want to see how far they can push you within your limits and I know plenty of Doms who would admit that a sub using a safe word gives them a buzz. These people know the rules and I am not talking about abusing limits here but they like making a sub use it.

    And truly yes it is about balance and trust but it's too easy to think that a Dom has all the power and control when in reality it is at least as much in the Subs hands as the Doms.

    Lesa Sass it's not the controlling or domineering, believe me nobody gets to try that carp with me either. But when my OH was giving me a bit of grief about something and I stuck out my tongue so he said if you do that again I will spank you, so I did, and he did and I stuck my tongue out again and again and again at him. This sort of power play is more of a turn on than any of the 50 junk, who will stop first? how hard will he spank me this time? will I do it again? should I back off?
  • bcl003
    bcl003 Posts: 331 Member
    Well I didn't hate it, it was a quick read and had some interesting parts to it. Cute story line though. I was really excited for the movie when it was going to be Charlie Hunnam playing Christian, now I will probably still watch it but I will wait until it comes out on DVD more than likely.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Never read it
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    oh yeah,
  • Amazonbella
    I think it's a little too tame, I like Shayla Black's books a lot better!
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    I read the trilogy on vacation. It was hard for me to like the first one because the mere thought of being a submissive for anyone made me angry, (plus I think it was written for simple minds) but then I really liked the idea of HAVING a submissive, then I read the second and liked it better. I read the third because, well I just did........

    Had I not been on vacation with my husband I probably would have been angry about spending the money on them. But there were times that it did work to my advantage. :wink:

    Thing about being a sub really is that you hold the power, you set your own hard and soft limits, you can give or withold your safe word the dom wants to make you give the safe word and will see how far they can push to make you. You get to play and see how far you can make them go to make you use your safe word. The doms only think they have the upper hand...

    I would say experienced doms "know" they don't have the upper hand..but then again, I don't feel that subs do either. I'd more say it comes down to a relationship based on equal responsibility and trust. Really a give and take on both sides.
  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    I haven't yet made my mind up on it.