

  • Last month I seen my doctor. Had some blood work done. My cholesterol and triglycerides are way too high. I either have to get them down or go on meds. I don't want meds, so I'm trying to get them down by changing my eating habits and losing weight. Also, I have 3 grown kids, but it's my grand kids I want to be here for.…
  • Hi, First let me say, don't give up. Second, forget the scale for a minute. Ok?? You say you go the gym a few times a week? Going to the gym will help build muscles, muscles weigh more than fat. It's very possible that you've lost weight, but you aren't seeing it because you're focused on the number looking at on the…
  • I agree with GorillaNJ. Charcoal is the best way to go. But, for everyone and anyone who uses charcoal, switch to Lump Coal. Some bags have it as one word. It burns hotter, longer, and needs no charcoal fluid to get it started. Just a little newspaper. So you don't accidentally get that nasty charcoal taste on your foods…
  • Hi, Always remember, calories in = calories out. You have to burn more than you are eating, but if you're eating more than you're burning, then yes, that would prohibit you from losing weight. I too now measure things and I've been very surprised at what I've found.
  • I have it on my smart phone from Sprint and I love it. I love the bar code scanner they have with it too. It's great for figuring calories, servings, fats, and everything else, out for you before you buy a food item from the store.
  • I spent the first 3 weeks of logging food on here, just to see where I was making mistakes. Then I went back and reviewed everything. From there, i was able to make changes. In the section where they allow you to keep a journal, write down exactly what you were doing, feeling, and thinking. What was on tv at that moment.…
  • Heck, I wish I could lose 15 pounds in a month. That would be awesome. But alas, it's true, men to burn fat faster than women. Men will lose it faster and easier than women, because of their male hormones and their muscles are considerably different than ours. You are doing fine. Don't worry about how fast it's coming off.…
  • That's one of the hardest things to do. I'm having to relearn how to listen to my body. My head says eat, this looks good, that sounds good, and ect. The key thing that works for me is to pay attention to my entire body. Am I actually hungry or does it just sound good. Is my stomach asking for food, or is it my brain? If…
  • Hi, Welcome to the site. First let me say I'm really glad you are keeping track of your cholesterol levels and other things that can show a problem. I will suggest you have your dr also check your Triglycerides and your C-Reactive Protein. Both of these can be critical in diagnosing an early problem of heart disease. I…
  • There are a few factors that come into play. (1) there does come a time when your body will plateau. That's normal and it could take several weeks before the scale moves again. (2) Also, exercise has a lot to do with it. You have to remember for instance that when you do exercise, you are most likely building some muscle…
  • Hi, Let me say, welcome. I hope you find the site useful, helpful and informative. I'm fairly new as well. I've been using the online site since this morning, but I started using it on my phone just last month. So far, I'm liking it. I needed something to help me get motivated, stay motivated and that would help me see…
  • Very important for you to know this: It's not just the outside of the body that can be out of shape. Just because someone is thin or within their bmi, does not mean they are in shape. Your heart and lungs are not in shape. To get in shape, they need the exercise. You need to start off walking. Just walk about 30 a day,…
  • Hey, that's my weather too. Funny, I've always associated bad weather with, "it's time to go in the kitchen and bake something". I love baking from scratch and have been doing so since I was about 11. And most of it was when the weather was bad.