This normal?

I'm happy and all but wondering whats up. I started myfitnesspal March 23 @ 240 and have been dropping fast. Been sticking close to my calorie intake and actually to the point I gotta work to get to at least 1200. Anyways I've gone from 240 to 225 in this time. 15 lbs in this short of time don't seem to calculate. Basically I dropped 10 right off the bat then stayed at 230 for a week and now I'm shooting down again. Like I said I'm thrilled with results but wondering if its unusual. I have been doing alot of cardio. Just got a bad feeling I'm gonna hit a wall soon.


  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    Initially you will lose water weight, then if you have a lot to lose you will lose more at first. Reaching plateaus periodically is normal too. Just read the blogs and forums, you will learn a lot.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    well that depends on what you set your goal at based off the info that mfp gave you, and 1200 is fine for those whom are smaller but for those whom are taller need more. To rapid a fat loss usually takes some muscle along with it, which is counterproductive so maybe it is time to reexamine the current strategy and set things up better.
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    Just try not to think negatively. There are so many other people on this site that have hit their plateaus and gotten past them. Keep your head up until you get to that point, then go searching for answers. Good luck!
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    First off, don't be surprised if you get to the point where you are struggling to stay under your calorie goal vs. struggling to get to 1200. This is fairly common (when you start to be great with fewer calories, but as time goes to get HUNGRY).

    As for weird weight losses, I go like that the whole way down. Lose like 4 pounds one week, then nothing for two weeks, then another 3, then nothing, then another big drop. Not sure why this happens since I'm fairly consistent with what I eat, how much of it, and how much exercise I get. I can even predict which days I'm going to go over calories I'm so regular! So, I think everyone's body just reacts differently. I have friends on here who lose 1-2 pounds per week like clockwork, I'm just not one of them!!
  • fsugirl26
    fsugirl26 Posts: 207
    You'll lose weight faster when you have more weight to lose. For example a 240lb person will lose weight faster than a 140lb person. In the first couple weeks you'll lose a ton of water weight, which is completely normal. Eventually your weight loss will become more gradual, so enjoy it while you can!! :)
  • soulfire711
    I've heard that it's common for men to lose a lot at first, especially if you have a lot to lose. There weren't any pics of you on your profile, but depending on your size, 1200 cals might be too low. I agree with the other posters that it could be water weight or muscle...but it doesn't sound too alarming.
    GOOD LUCK!!!
  • bragz
    bragz Posts: 22
    The cals MFP gave me is 1460. Would it be in my best interest to try to hit that exactly? I came into this with the opinion that the less calories the better but after reading about starvation mode I've been trying to get closer to my allowed calories. Also does it matter how I get to my calories? Since I'm coming in below my allowance and not hungry maybe just drinking a protein shake to make up the difference? Or even funner having a few beers in the evening?
  • liquidsunsine
    Heck, I wish I could lose 15 pounds in a month. That would be awesome. But alas, it's true, men to burn fat faster than women. Men will lose it faster and easier than women, because of their male hormones and their muscles are considerably different than ours. You are doing fine. Don't worry about how fast it's coming off. Dr. Oz had something on tv a few weeks in regards to just this question. You might want to look up his web site and try to find that episode and watch it. He explains it better than I can, but that was the jest of it. Good luck and keep up the good work.
  • vox23
    vox23 Posts: 246 Member
    The cals MFP gave me is 1460. Would it be in my best interest to try to hit that exactly? I came into this with the opinion that the less calories the better but after reading about starvation mode I've been trying to get closer to my allowed calories. Also does it matter how I get to my calories? Since I'm coming in below my allowance and not hungry maybe just drinking a protein shake to make up the difference? Or even funner having a few beers in the evening?

    You will find lots of debate on here about starvation mode. I was curious about this too, so asked my trainer, and he is a firm believer in eating your exercise calories to avoid doing that exact thing. I believe you need 1200 min, so as long as you are over that I think you are okay. However, if you are working out, you need more to keep your body fueled.

    I struggled with eating enough at first as well. People gave great suggestions about how to add a few extra calories throughout the day (ie nuts in my salads, flax in my cereal, protein powder in my shakes). Not hitting your net calorie goal everyday isn't going to do much damage but if you are drastically under all the time you could see negative effects instead of weight loss.

    I would avoid loading up on empty calories just for the sake of it. However, if you know you are going to be way under a beer here or there with dinner isn't a terrible idea! ;)

    Anyway, that's just my experiences. Hope you find the balance that will work for you!

    Best of luck!