svt01 Member


  • I've noticed Pure Gym do Bootcamp classes, was there earlier, paid for a one day pass to check out my local one. Not sure if there's one near to you though.
  • I'm from Birmingham, West Midlands so feel free to add me. Same goes for anyone else :)
  • Bump, will check out the repices when I get home :)
  • I'm 5' 5" and at my heaviest I was at 154lbs towards the last year, then started My Fitness Pal at 145lbs. My current weight is 139lbs and I'm hoping to get down to 120lbs and tone up.
  • @lisa451999: At least you gave the crane move a go, I don't feel strong enough yet so just did the childs pose when I did Yoga yesterday. Hopefully you won't too bruised for back and legs though. @rowerc2: Completed Yoga X Yesterday although some of the moves are more advanced and I need to work on the balancing moves. The…
  • Same here, could I join in too if it's not too late? I've been on My Fitness Pal now for about 3 weeks now and I'm in the 2nd week of P90X. 08/01/11 ........ 145.2 08/09/11 ........ 142.0 08/15/11 ........ 142.2 I've virtually stayed the same, I think I need to concentrate on my diet more and might try eating just half of…
  • Hi all! Sorry I didn't get a chance to get on here yesterday as I had finished nights yesterday morning and went out in the evening to meet a friend. I completed Chest & Back and Ab Ripper X,yesterday morning but I find I'm still finding it difficult to do some of the core exercises so I'm just trying to take my time and…
  • I'm also 1 week in. I'll be starting my second week of P90X, (round 1) on Aug 15 so would like to join in too :)
  • I'm 5'5 and I'm currently on day 5 of P90X, I'm into my second week now and have lost 3lbs so far. Start Weight: 145lbs Current Weight: 142lbs Goal Weight: 126lbs I'll post again with pictures once I start to see results!