wozkaa Member


  • Is there a limit? Like, one a day or what? Because if I have to pace myself and let them out one at a time, I need to know in advance so I can log it....meter them out all evenly and whatnot. Cheers for the pep talk folks, am always happy to add more friends to interact with. :happy:
  • Oh, I am totally just having a whinge. Doing something is always always always better than doing nothing about a problem. It probably doesn't help that in December I weighed myself for the first time in 6 months, and I was 7kg (15 lbs?) heavier than I thought i was, so it kinda added a fair bit to how long I thought it…
  • My babies had their 1st birthday late last year (twins, born December 2012) and I think there is 1 picture of me with them. I have them both on my lap so you can't really see the horror that I have let myself become. Then there was Christmas, and there are a few truly awful pictures of me. I realised that there are so few…
  • I ensure I have a small bit of chocolate every night after dinner. (Mini Mars bar, frozen) I can't be trusted with most baked goods so I don't go near them anymore - not until I have this weight loss thing under control. I use artifical sweetener most days - in my coffee, in my oats, in plain 0% fat Chobani. Plus a squirt…
  • Clearance racks, Charity shops. Only buying bare minimum as needed (am broke as well, so that kida curtails any spending!) I am also gradually cycling through the clothes I 'grew' out of - that's been my big fear - not having any warm clothes this winter. (I'm in Australia). They were all too tight, so now I can fit them.…
  • Sounds strange, but eating more often. I used to get into the habit of 2-3 meals a day plus hower many coffee/teas I can drink. Now I try to mke sure I have a mid morning snack like a piece of fruit or yoghurt, and an afternoon snack if I need it. Basically I make sure I don't get ravenous and make bad, desperate choices.
  • I'm in Australia, and a few years ago my Mum joined and was doing so well that I joined and gave it a go (not the same gym though). I really liked the vibe of the one I joined, they always had little trivia games etc going on, and you could win little prizes like a water bottle, keychain or lipgloss - stuff like that. Then…
  • Congrats! BTW I *LOVE* that orange dress.
  • I got my engagement ring resized when I lost weight, and my wedding ring was just the right size. So when my wedding ring is getting loose, my engagement ring holds it in place - or another smaller sized ring holds it on. If that makes sense. Talk to a jeweller maybe, see if resizing is a big deal before you decide? Some…
  • Yes! I had a few weeks with minimal or no loss, and was a bit discouraged - but keeping at it will get me closer to my goal than stopping, even if it's very slow progress. This week I had a totally awesome loss which brought my total loss to just over 20lbs - a smidge under 10 kgs. I wouldn't have reached this point if I…
  • When I was pregnant, I had morning sickness ALL THE TIME. One evening I was on the train home from work, its about an hour trip. I felt queasy, but held on as I was near my stop. I soon realised that I wasn't going to make the 10 mins.. I threw up a bit in my mouth, and figured I could hold on. Nope. Stomach surged again,…
  • I'm a mother of 16 month old twin girls. They turned 1 in December, and that was when I decided to make some changes. I realised that I didn't want to be in pictures with my girls for their FIRST birthday - and I didn't want that to continue to be the case. I want them to have pictures of them with their Mum when they were…
  • Have a healthy dinner, lots of veg and a bunch of water. A 6" ham & salad subway is about 300 cals I think - put dinner in perspective for you if you have to eat out. I'm in Australia too, so I know lots of hotels have a 'steak n chips' or lasagna & chips kinda menu. Small steak & veg would be ok, something like that. It's…
  • Keep your eye on the prize. I know from my experience I didn't want to look back at photos and hate them, or to always think I could have given it a bit more effort. Don't end up looking back with regret. I wish I had done more to lose weight by my wedding, but I have made peace with that and know that I was well ahead of…
  • I'm looking forward to that - I have half a dozen pairs of great jeans and an awful lot of colourful, funny fitted T shirts that I am itching to wear again. And bright, colourful shorts! Good for you, it's a great accomplishment.
  • That's a great NSV, OP. Today I had 32 minutes on the excercise bike at a slightly faster pace than I used to be able to, and didn't die. It helps that the weather is cooler, but it's still a win. I have 2 little girls and all I want is to be able to keep up with them, teach them good nutrition and self acceptance. To this…
  • My husband is going through diagnosis and they suspect Hashimoto's now, but they also suspect Rheumatoid Arthritis. All the testing STARTED around RA, he's started seeing a Rheumatologist - but then one of the Thyroid tests came out a bit high (sorry not sure which one). He had an ultrasound on his Thyroid and they said it…
  • I did WW online a few years back on the old system. I lost about 30kg over 2.5 years because I wasn't in a rush. I have put it back on, and now have about 16kg left to lose. 'Oh well, you put on weight so it doesn't work' - What rot. Get off your high horse. I went from knowing nothing about nutrition to knowing a fair but…
  • Thanks for the feedback thus far! I have bookmarked that plan Yuckyellow, thank you. My greatest fear is overdoing it and crippling myself! I know someone who did that, and ended up in the A&E because they couldn't raise their arms one morning and thought something terrible was happening to them. Funny now, not funny for…
  • Dammit. I want a donut now. I'd even take one without the frosting...
  • I did it ages ago and plan on doing the program again soon. I remember the horror of the W5D3- it was worse in my head. No 1 tip: Do it. And slow right down so you can complete it and move on. After you have finished, you will be SO pleased that you made it and it wasn't as scary as you thought.
  • Possibly go with the C25K program, I did it and loved it - I was never athletic or sporty prior to that. I DID, however, work my way up to a level of fitness before I started it by walking 30 mins a day at least, and kept increasing my pace as I got fitter. I was walking so fast the next logical step was jogging, but I…
  • Every day. Mine died yesterday, had to buy a new one immediately. I was shocked at some of the UNDER estimations I was making. And how much a serve of 150g of meat is when it's piled up. I got more peanut butter than I thought I could, which was great.
  • A few years ago I shed something like 50+lbs, and was invited to be a bridesmaid at a friends wedding. I felt normal, and had to re-check the photos a few times because I didn't look gigantic and out of place. I am around 5'9" so I normally feel 'huge' as many people I know are shorter than me. When I am overweight at this…
  • This is a really interesting post to read through. My husband was diagnosed with very very low D last year aroud May. He has been taking supplements as advised and in 6mths the number barely moved up on his bllod test. 2nd doctor said he should be taking Magnesium with it to help absorption. He was also complaining of…
  • He seriously sounds like a weight around your neck. I don't have much to say other than YOU control what you eat, how much and how, and you need to learn that his comments come from a moocher who doesn't understand what it costs to feed yourself, let alone any sponge who walks in and eats all your stuff at irregular…
  • I agree with Sodakat If you don't eat it, don't weigh it. I don't eat banana skin, and they can be thick and heavy - adding another 20-30 grams to the weight of your banana. That's half a snack's worth of calories right there you might be missing out on! I cut my apples or pears into quarters if i'm home, and take the core…
  • I did the program a few years back, after decding that trying to keep up with my husband was ridiculous. We would go out to a track to run at the same time, for half an hour and I just did my thing with my headphones on, and he shot off ahead of me, and often lapped me on the course. But I was using my body, not his. So…