C25k Question

So I'm on week 5 of c25k, actually just finished day two and that is the two 8 min runs. I go with the 5.6 speed for some reason btw. The next day is a 20 min run. That absolutely scares the life of me. So the 5 min and now the 8 min jogging burst were both hard, and toward the end I would always look around for a trash can in case I had to puke because that is the feeling I would get.
So the question I have is should I repeat my week 5 day 2 until it is comfortable or should I just take the leap and try the 20 min run.


  • Blue801
    Blue801 Posts: 442
    Or you could slow down and keep going to week 6:drinker:
    I'm about to start week 6 and every time I feel kinda like I might die I remember "oh! Wait! Just slow down silly girl" and the running gets a whole lot easier. Its c25k. Speed can be worked on later. Just my 2¢, worth exactly what you paid.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    I'm bumping this for you. I am no expert, so I am hoping a runner sees this and responds. I am finishing week 4. Every week I think I just can't do it. Sometimes I will repeat a day, and sometimes I just go for it. Running is as much a mental thing as it is physical. If you really believe you need to repeat days, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. But if you've been successful so far, maybe try it. If you can't, drop back and try later. This is what I love about C25K. You go at your pace and compete against just you. Good luck.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    Or you could slow down and keep going to week 6:drinker:
    I'm about to start week 6 and every time I feel kinda like I might die I remember "oh! Wait! Just slow down silly girl" and the running gets a whole lot easier. Its c25k. Speed can be worked on later. Just my 2¢, worth exactly what you paid.

    Yes! This too.
  • liljen69
    liljen69 Posts: 45
    I think week 5 was the hardest week for the very reason you mention. Going from 8 minutes to 20 minutes is quite a jump. But you know what? I was able to do it and you can too.

    Slow down if you need to -- that's great advice -- but definitely try it! You will surprise yourself with what you are able to accomplish.
  • emczech5
    emczech5 Posts: 224 Member
    As a beginning runner, especially for your first race, your goal should be about finishing, not about speed. Speed comes in later. If you need to slow down to finish, slow down. Don't push your self too hard, that's when injuries happen. When I did C25K back I repeated a run here or there, but only if I really struggled the first time. I'd say if you feel like you need to repeat a work out, repeat it.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I've coached a learn to run program based on the same idea as C25k for 3 years now. Every week my group is terrified to move up to the next level. Every week they tell me they can't. Every week, they did.

    C25K is the kind of program you can repeat weeks if you feel you need it and that's a good thing, but I always encourage people to try it first. Then if you really can't do it, repeat. Try first.

    Also, forget about speed at this point, this program is about finishing the time frame. Speed comes later. Slow is what you want right now, slow enough you can make it through the alloted time.

    Good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    repeat. i was surprised i never had to repeat days. especially because i frequently had to miss more days in between than i wanted to.

    unfortunately i also got extremely fearful at the full 20 minutes day and it was on the horizon up next and i was all gung ho when tragedy hit and there was an accident in the family. i guess after weeks away i'd have to start over but i'm unsure.

    i'll just say don't fear it, just repeat your current day and see how you feel then.
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    I think week 5 is one that I repeated for a good 3 weeks. I personally preferred to repeat workouts if I could not complete them before I went to the next workout.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I've coached a learn to run program based on the same idea as C25k for 3 years now. Every week my group is terrified to move up to the next level. Every week they tell me they can't. Every week, they did.

    C25K is the kind of program you can repeat weeks if you feel you need it and that's a good thing, but I always encourage people to try it first. Then if you really can't do it, repeat. Try first.

    Also, forget about speed at this point, this program is about finishing the time frame. Speed comes later. Slow is what you want right now, slow enough you can make it through the alloted time.

    Good luck. :flowerforyou:

    thank you3dr. that makes sense. i forgot to mention i went up as expected but I did run slow, and also I was fearing each increase but did them anyways. what would you do in my position now, almost at the 20 minutes straight running mark and then long absence? start over or jump in some place?
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I've coached a learn to run program based on the same idea as C25k for 3 years now. Every week my group is terrified to move up to the next level. Every week they tell me they can't. Every week, they did.

    C25K is the kind of program you can repeat weeks if you feel you need it and that's a good thing, but I always encourage people to try it first. Then if you really can't do it, repeat. Try first.

    Also, forget about speed at this point, this program is about finishing the time frame. Speed comes later. Slow is what you want right now, slow enough you can make it through the alloted time.

    Good luck. :flowerforyou:

    thank you3dr. that makes sense. i forgot to mention i went up as expected but I did run slow, and also I was fearing each increase but did them anyways. what would you do in my position now, almost at the 20 minutes straight running mark and then long absence? start over or jump in some place?

    Neither is wrong. Its a personal choice, depends on how you feel. I've been in the same spot and I just picked where I thought I would be, if I knew I could do 5 minutes straight, I'd start at the 5 and 1s. Or maybe a step down from where you think.
  • fragileelegance
    fragileelegance Posts: 102 Member
    I finished C25K last month. My advice is that if you finish your run exactly how you're suppose to, take a leap and go for the next one. The 20 minute one scared me too but I actually did it, mind you I couldnt run for more than 3 minutes when I started. If it turns out you can't do the 20 min run all the way, then repeat that one, possibly at a slower pace. I wouldn't repeat a run you've already conquered, despite feeling like you're going to die after it (trust me I know the feeling). GOOD LUCKKKK!!!!
  • megan_elizabeth8
    megan_elizabeth8 Posts: 216 Member
    I'm doing c25k, on week 5. I considered repeating day 2 of week 5, because in my mind there was no way I could run 20 minutes straight. I realized that I didn't need to repeat day 2, I was just scared to go on. So I went to day 3 today, and I did it! I bet you can do it too :smile:
    That said if you really did struggle on day 2 and really feel like you need to repeat it, by all means go for it. Just make sure you're not doing it because you're scared of day 3 :smile:
  • wozkaa
    wozkaa Posts: 224 Member
    I did it ages ago and plan on doing the program again soon.

    I remember the horror of the W5D3- it was worse in my head.

    No 1 tip: Do it. And slow right down so you can complete it and move on. After you have finished, you will be SO pleased that you made it and it wasn't as scary as you thought.
  • GillianMcK
    GillianMcK Posts: 401 Member
    I done this last year, you'll surprise yourself, you can manage it.
    I was the same, thought that the jump from 8min to 20min would be too much, but I managed it and haven't looked back since:)
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    ... and toward the end I would always look around for a trash can in case I had to puke because that is the feeling I would get.

    That suggests that you're going too hard, so it's worth easing the pace back a bit. I have the same issue, I sometimes just go out and hammer the pace, but I notice it on my next run.
    So the question I have is should I repeat my week 5 day 2 until it is comfortable or should I just take the leap and try the 20 min run.

    I felt that there were two big psychological hurdles with C25K, the step up to the 8 minute run and the step up to the 20 minute run. As you've completed all the runs so far, you're physically capable of the next one. Running is as much a mental game as a physical one.

    I'd recommend that you give it a go, and you'll get there.
  • So I am sooooo thankful for this feed. I started a C25K 6 weeks ago. When I got to week 4 the idea of running for 5 whole minutes completely freaked me out and anxiety won out. The past two weeks I have ran it twice not finishing both times. Today I was going through the feed and saw this discussion which had the answer to my issue. Slow down my pace!!! I got dressed and went to the treadmill slowing it down got me all the way through without any struggles!!! Dont know why I didnt think of that but anywsys it worked. Back on the right path!!!!