TracyV Member


  • bump! thanks! sounds like something I could bake then bring into the office so I don't eat them all myself...and without my coworkers getting mad at me for sharing! lol
  • great idea! i don't have anything to add to the list so just posting so i can find it later. i don't ever go across just for the day but we go for a weekend once in a while so will have to remember to pick up a few of these things next time!
  • I'm online quite a bit both at home and at work so I just leave a tab open in my browser with this site and it's just a click away. I also try to plan in advance as much as possible (which it isn't always, but when I can) If I can't pre-plan my meals (like if i go to my parents' for the weekend and don't know what they're…
  • Hey Danica =) glad you found your way here! i know nothing about jogging or running but i've seen people talking on here about a program called "Couch to 5k". Again don't know much about it but it sounds like something that might be helpful for you. You might want to search the discussion boards for info or Google it
    in I'm new Comment by TracyV March 2010
  • i'm no expert...but i would definitely say drink more water, it helps your body in so many ways! i would also suggest logging your food again. Last fall I started eating healthy and trying to lose weight on my own and lost a couple pounds but not much at all...then a friend got me started on MFP in January and I've been…
  • my trick is i let my boyfriend get his pop and popcorn combo along with the free packet of dill pickle seasoning he likes (and I don't), and I get a bottle of water. Then I have a couple handfuls of his popcorn before he puts his seasoning on and then pop a stick of gum and drink my water. Sometimes when he gets to the…
    in yikes... Comment by TracyV February 2010
  • I've been on a chicken stir-fry kick lately. 2 or 3 chicken breasts (depending on how many people are eating and how many leftovers i want) and A LOT of fresh veggies on a little bit of rice. Adding lots of veggies makes it a lot more filling without adding tons of calories, i generally use broccoli, carrots and celery…
  • thanks for some great ideas =) now when i zip to the grocery store after work I can be in and out instead of trying to figure out what I want and what's good for me. I'm thinking cereal of some kind (we'll see what's good and maybe on sale lol) and might check the bulk section for some dried fruit and maybe some nuts.
  • don't know if you're an ice cream fan but yesterday I picked up a box of Skinny Cow Mini Fudge Bars. Just 50 calories and enough to satisfy me if i get a bad ice cream or chocolate craving that won't go away. They're yummy and low on everything else (fat, sodium, etc) too. I don't plan on eating them every day or anything…