
my day wasn't so hot - we finally broke down and saw avatar (i'm probably in the minority, but i *knew* we should have waited for it to hit the $2 theater) - but i did enjoy my buttered popcorn and mr. pibb directly after my taco bell dinner a great deal! sheesh - i'm a sucker for movie popcorn...maybe i'll get past this one day. or not. <sigh>


  • freedMan
    simple solution....get it unbuttered and eat 1/3 the calories!
  • TracyV
    TracyV Posts: 14 Member
    my trick is i let my boyfriend get his pop and popcorn combo along with the free packet of dill pickle seasoning he likes (and I don't), and I get a bottle of water. Then I have a couple handfuls of his popcorn before he puts his seasoning on and then pop a stick of gum and drink my water. Sometimes when he gets to the bottom of the bag and there's no seasoning left i'll have another handful if i really feel the need to but usually the first little bit is enough.
  • Ezzie
    Ezzie Posts: 665 Member
    Movies certainly can be deadly! And they really discourage health....3-something for bottled water, now there's a yike! I asked for a cup for water, can't remember whether they charged me a bit for it or was free, then filled with water,step 1, step 2, let hubby hold the popcorn....3, EAT FIRST then it isn't so bad. $ carry a big purse, bring your own safe snack.

    Loved the idea of putting stuff on the popcorn you don't like....sigh...I tend to eat anything not tied down, but I'm getting better!!!
  • boniekatie
    :ohwell: I got cured of popcorn when I got a crown that always catches the husks and gives me a toothache for a week. Total bummer, but I stay far away from popcorn and after all these years I don't even miss it any more, much.
  • katejones79
    katejones79 Posts: 28 Member
    I agree with the big purse idea... smuggle in something that is a "treat" for you that you have already figured into your calories for the day :)
  • cvtga
    cvtga Posts: 118
    I don't go to a movie without a jacket with REALLY big pockets. I sneak in my own water, strawberries and almonds. Yum. Someday movie theaters will catch on and offer healthy snacks, until then they can keep there junk.