

  • this was very informative! Thanks!
  • Thats a lot! For those of you that don't know 1 gallon is equal to 3.8 liters ... so roughly UK pays $8.75 ... we actually got it cheap here!
  • your best bet would be to invest in a heartrate monitor that count caleries burned also.
  • I myself have a different shoe for the diffent classes I attend. I have my asics for running (I went and got my feet and gait assessed). Dance shoes for Zumba that allow me to pivot my foot for dance moves and cycling shoes for the spin classes I attend and teach. I don't think there is a shoe in existence that is able to…
  • I would get my foot assesment done at a specialty running shoe store. They will fit you in the right shoe for the way you walk/run. The shoes that they will bring out to you are not brand specific. You just gotta find the right shoe for you. It's worth the price for good shoes!
  • Welcome! Just remember most of us are on here to lose weight and be part of a support system just like you!
  • What part of Spain are you going to? I've been to Ibiza, Valencia, Gran Canaria and Barcelona
  • Great locations! I've been to all of those locations! My dream vacation is a bungalow that is literally above the water in Bora Bora!
  • AWESOME! You can definitely see a difference! I agree add color to your wardrobe! It's springtime!
  • I say go for it! Great cardio workout and excellent option for x-training. I am a certified spinning instructor. Try to get to a class at least 15 minute prior so the instructor can help you set your bike up properly. it does take some getting used to. I would suggest wearing fitted shorts under losser fitting clothes ...…
  • the meat is a sweet soy sauce based ... you could go with chicken bulgogi instead of beef. pleanty of veggies either pickled, fresh or kim chee (spicy seasoned ferment vegetables) style ... with almost any asian dish rice plays a big factor. I say just enjoy it, but don't over do it.
  • Dp you have a heartrate monitor that calculates how many calories you burn because you can actually add your own workout to the database
  • Hello Military spouse here to AD Air Force! We have been married for over 19 years. Lived overseas in Europe for over 9 nine years. I am an island girl from Honolulu, HI ... I could not have asked for a more adventuous lifestyle in following my husband to his next duty station. I have friends all over the world that I keep…
  • Good luck! The first half marathon is all mental! Believe me I cursed myself all the way to the finishline! Don't worry about your time or pace. Wear clothing you are comfortable in and it doesn't chafe you! Lube up your feet and anywhere you think may have friction of any sort. Oh and don't foregt your sunscreen! Hydrate,…
  • Thanks for sharing this website!
  • I suggest you go and get your foot assessed at a reputable running shoe store ... so you know if you are in the right type of shoe and the right size. Most people are usually in the wrong size and or type of shoe. That's all the advice that I can give you since I am no running expert/seasoned runner. I have ran 2…
  • So true!
  • it all depends what you put into the sushi and on top of it? I'm from HI so I eat almost all of it. If you are not a seafood type of girl then I would not reccommend it. Most grocery stores have a sushi section. ask them for help in choosing one. I would start the the Vietnamese chicken roll or the avacadd roll. Very fresh…
  • Military wife here of 19 years! My husband is active duty in the Air Force. We are currently stationed in GA. That is great that there is a forum for military spouses where we can relate and talk about something in common! I am looking forward to seeing us all meet are goal no matter how large or small it may be! As for…
  • Hello Everyone! Military wife of 19 years! I am 40 years young and a mother of a 19 year old. My hubby is currently in the Air Force stationed here in GA. We recently moved here after living in Germany for 5 years (yes that is a long vacation) I loved it! Apparently I loved the food there too .. hence me putting on about…