wpwarrior88 Member


  • Still have this lingering cold, cannot wait for it to be gone! Love the mysteries of the body! I have not eaten over my goals for the last 4 days and still my weight went haywire upon arriving home. As long as my trip this week doesn't throw me off too bad, all is good as this is not insurmountable, I still could hit my…
  • I am in for round 102! Thank you Grandma Jackie for continue to host this challenge and open it to all who wish to participate. I wasn't able to eat like I planned while staying at my Brother's house. In spite of eating a little less strict than when I am at home I maintained my weight. I fell out around week 99, got sick,…
  • Saturday was a HIGH stress day, yesterday I was under the weather. This morning I am still not feeling 100%. I am eating what sounds good today. I am so queasy and would rather just stay in bed and sleep. 12/19 129.8 20 min on rebounder (no idea why my weight went up over a pound, not concerned. 12/20 127.2 12/21 128.8…
  • Yay, let's Rock these next 10 day!! On Christmas Eve, I will be enjoying my niece's first birthday breakfast. I will be making good choices. That night we will be making Rouladen and I plan to bring a Keto Eggnog Pie. Even if I go over, I will either get back on track Christmas Day or the day after. My goal for this round…
  • These last 10 day have been amazing! I am very pleased with my dietary habits and weight loss. I have to say my bone broth is the best I have made (I've been making it for more than 5 years) either that or this lifestyle is affecting my taste buds in a very positive way. I have Beef Heart Stew in the crockpot. I have never…
  • My workouts last night were interrupted by a tornado warning. By the time I brought everything up from the basement, it was too close to my bedtime. Still, I had a fabulously productive day yesterday! I picked up 27 pounds of bones and a beef heart and have 2 crockpots simmering with bone broth which will be ready this…
  • I had a very productive weekend. Yesterday I managed around 4 hours of work outside, it felt so good! Day/Weight/Comment 12/09 - 136; stronglift 5x5 and 15 min of low impact cardio 12/10 - 134; 15 min low impact cardio 12/11 - 130.2; stronglift 5x5 and 15 min of low impact cardio 12/12 - 128.8; 15 min low impact cardio…
  • Yesterday was a refeeding day and the weight gain was expected. I have decided to continue to ADF with CRF on referring days through Dec 23. On the 24, I go to my niece's first birthday breakfast and that night we will make the traditional German Christmas dinner. I will work on not over indulging on carbs. I plan to make…
  • Yesterday did not go as planned, food wise it did, but work had a project that needed to be audited resulting in a 15+ hour day. I did get my 15 min of cardio in but just couldn't sneak the 5x5 in. I have a very busy Saturday, trying to catch up on all that I wanted to do yesterday + what I need to do today.…
  • Another great day, very surprised at the low gain from yesterday, I truly expected it to be higher. I made a change to today's beverage schedule. Due to the reading and listing to webinars yesterday, I waited until sunrise to enjoy my first cup of coffee, which means I was up 3.5 hours before I could tantalize my tongue…
  • @michellebvera2014 If I had fat and calories, I would look at add more healthy fats into your diet. Try making bulletproof coffee or put butter or coconut oil into your meals. LOL, I find I have a habit of going over on fat because it is so easy for me to work with.
  • Good morning Fasting Friends, I just want to crow for a moment. 38 months ago I experience a life changing event that basically put me into limbo for almost 3 years, the last 3 months I have been rebalancing my life and finally Sunday felt back to balanced enough to begin fasting and working out again By incorporating two…
  • Good morning! Today is my CRF refeeding day. My weight this morning was 128.8! I know it will not stay this low, however losing 8 pounds for 2 days of ADF is so encouraging! Last night before bed, I preplanned my meals for today and Saturday. Loving the energy I have right now! Day/Weight/Comment 12/09 - 136; stronglift…
  • Good morning! I have to say I am stoked to update my weight loss this morning! I am at the lowest I can recall this year! I plan to do my 5x5 and LIC today. Please note that I am utilizing ADF and CRF, I know that refeeding days can make my weight increase. I was not expecting this rapid of a weight loss. I may plan for a…
  • I am in; because I haven't been paying close attention to the scale, I am entering what I recall the weight being. Goals for the next 10 days 12/9 - 12/15 ADF on odd days, CRF on even days. 5x5 strong lift workout on odd. LIC for 15 min 5 - 7 days. I would like to be under 130 by the 18th. Day/Weight/Comment 12/09 - 136;…
  • I guess I have been fasting 5 years! I fasted Mondays for nearly a year, then added Wednesdays. At the beginning of the year I do a longer fast up to 40 days. My goal this year is 21 days to welcome in the new year, M & W throughout the year and a fast at the beginning of each month in correlation with the month (ie: June…
  • Whoop and the Bersternator knock out another 10 out of the ball park! Down right AWESOME week...bitting my nails, though about tonights episode!
  • Pleased to report in for team Carol and other 10 for the week! I really enjoyed the boxing workout, Cindy, thank you for posting that one!!
  • I have learned a lot over the last year and working on following the anti-inflammation protocol. I substitute cauliflower for rice, pasta, pizza crust; spaghetti squash for pasta, made a caramel sauce from sweet potatoes (oh so good!), because dairy is off limits I have made cheese from zucchini, I make a lot of my own…
  • Congrats on making the soups and sauces from scratch!
  • Rick has been on that slippery slope from Good to Bad, I hope this doesn't propel him down the chasm. I am amazed how everyone fell in line with it, even Michonne! I wasn't please with Carol's attitude toward Maggie - it's a pregnancy, not a disability!!
  • Thank you, Cindy, and I am on Team Carol, btw o:)
  • When we began this challenge I was was at a slower pace with my job. For the last 2 weeks, I have been putting in 10-14 hr days at the machine. When I get home I am wiped out and only want to rest. I have been very active, Squats, push-ups, jumping jacks, running in place at the machine, doing seated yoga moves, etc.…
  • Dang! Your right, I forgot!! Thank you, I knew I should have tried to binge watch season 5! LOL
  • I have been dealing with chronic pain since I was 19. Almost 4 years ago I join MFP per my oby/gyn. I had been working out (body weights) for several months after reconnection with an old friend. Last year I was diagnosed with Raynuads. I am determined to keep my pain level bearable through working out, I have a lot of…
  • Umm, has anyone else notice that Daryl hasn't had his crossbow so far this season!! Whaaaa!!!!
  • Oh, goodness, I hope I slid under the wire! I have 9 points for the week! Busy work week kept me from fitness blender - did get in 2 of the challenge workouts
  • BPC 1: " Orange Crush, Kit Kat & Mints" I do the best when I preplan my meals. Due to work and life in general I am no longer planning our meals a month in advance, I am lucky to be able to plan a week at a time. I take my food to the shop, am working on dehydrating my own meals for backpacking. I struggle to stay on the…
  • Met my water goal 7 days this week. I got the FB workout in 3 days + a 1-3/4 hr hike and just under 2 hours of bodyweight workouts. On my 2 "off" days I still got over 20 minutes of flex in. I completed all 3 of the bonus challenges! 1 min of clock jumps 3xs this week.
  • Bonus Point Challenge 1: When I am working in the shop, I am taking an exercise break every hour or 2. I'll do squats or other calisthenic style exercises, a 10 or so video workout or 10-15 min of cardio. On the days I do not have to be to the shop I am focusing on getting my workouts done first thing in the morning. I am…