

  • its harder to see it when we see ourselves every single minute. the changes are small, but they are still changes! keep fighting and surely enough you will see it in your clothes!
    in Hi there! Comment by Sweetlyxo May 2013
  • And don't worry Ana! I have school on Thursdays so im busy from 7am-1030pm and I starve at school cause I leave straight from work. I ended up caving too and got pasta salad (not the healthy kind) and sun chips!! Was so disappointed but I needed it! See, it happens to the best of us. just add an extra couple exercises to…
    in Im Guilty Comment by Sweetlyxo May 2013
  • Well for one, don't think negatively, it happens to the best of us. ANNNDD!! one thing like burger king once in a while is good for our metabolisms.. IF we are eating well the remainder of the time. that one cheat meal in a blue moon kicks our metabolism up, its having to work harder to digest it. so don't stress, because…
    in Im Guilty Comment by Sweetlyxo May 2013
  • It so true! I said to my boyfriend and my mom that if I don't change to much in size or in weight im okay with it, as long as every has tightened. im just uncomfortably soft and that's the discouraging part. all my scrubs did into my hips and im left with the infamous muffin top, and my shorts seem to barely fit that I…
  • Good Morning Beauties! Calorie intake all depends of you size, your gender and what you are trying to accomplish. I noticed by counting my calories and trying to stay within my goal of 1200 it was very hard for me, and so it made sense as to why I lost the body I used to have. I ate for the sake of eating. some would say…
  • Thanks for all the encouraging words! Glad to hear you all having a good start to your goals!! MMM I love cupcakes! I always make too much and then pawn them out cause I feel guilty eating them all!
    in Day 1 Comment by Sweetlyxo May 2013
  • Im Lindsay! Im 21. Im from Edmonton, Alberta! Im a small framed person and have always been quite in shape, but lately since getting into a relationship almost 2 years ago, I find that Im losing a lot of what I had. I wouldn't say ive gained ALOT of weight, I am still quite small, but im no where happy with what I am. I…