

  • but isnt my bmr getting its own energy wich is burning my own calories if i was in coma because what is the 2400 mean then...? an then again if im suppose to eat my bmr then how come people have a diet at 1000-1500 calories a day wich is way lower then there bmr an once again how is it possible to lose more calories then…
  • you are talking about it uses calories as it burns calories as if i mean bmr right? my bmr is 2400.. i want to be on a 1500 calorie diet so how is it possible
  • tdee wth is a tdee? well i looked up my tdee is 2902... but i thought bmr is what matter? because bmr is the number of calories you burn per day but doing nothing..
  • how will i cause damage? makes no sence at all.. if they say my bmr is 2400 an that my calories per day should be no more then 1500 if im on a diet then how so? ive been told by a legit question answer on diet on yahoo answer with over 75 % questions right that he said i would burn off the 900.. but he said no need to i…
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