thinagain2011 Member


  • I'm on every day! Feel free to add me :) I'm always looking for motivation and willing to give it in return
  • My belly is always the last place I see changes. I first notice it from my face chest and arms. It's frustrating bc my stomach is my biggest part so it seems to get larger when compared to weight lost. But it eventually gets smaller. Just keep pushing. You're doing great.
  • I'm in. That will just make me push harder so I'm not disappointed at the end of the month. Hope I can meet the challenge. Feel free to add me. Always looking for support and motivation.
  • Good luck on your journey. I read your inspiration for wanting to lose weight and almost cried. Chris will be so proud I'm sure. I'm here to support if you would like to add me. I'm on every day :)
  • I participated in the warrior dash last year. So much fun!!! I wasn't competing by any means but still a fun experience. Good luck training!
  • Haha that happened when I first started dieting, except it was a 5 lb difference. Just look at it this way, it's 2 more lbs you'll be able to add to your total weight loss number in the end :)
  • Glad Im not the only one! It's almost impossible for me to not go over on sugar. I HATE seeing the red negative numbers, even on vitamins lol. Just makes me feel bad. I try to only focus on fat,cals and sodium.
  • Moms's chicken enchiladas from the Eating for Life cookbook Family favorite!!
  • I need all the motivation I can get! Also, looks like we've got some things in common. I also love photography, reading and also have the nickname jitterbug. :) Feel free to add me if you'd like
  • I'm also trying to get back on track. Since starting my college program in August 2012 I've gained 10lbs back after a 60lb weight loss. Would like to add friends on here for support :) Feel free to add me!
  • I'm a 23 y/o college student. I have a 40min commute to school and my program requires me to be in clinic from 8-430 most days. I've recently gotten back on the weight loss wagon. My clinic site has a subway restaurant so that's my lunch everyday. I feel I'm ab,e to eat healthy enough but I have a hard time finding time to…
  • First thing in the morning, pee/poop, strip down, position scale on a single tile, weigh 3 times and go with the number that shows up the most (sometimes it weighs different....idk)
  • Totally agree with everyone who replied. I was so nervous just at the thought of it But as mentioned before, there are all sorts of ppl who go to zumba classes and in my experience, everyone is too focused on following the instructors moves that ppl dont have time to look around and judge. Just try it and the main goal is…
  • I was on Alli for a year and a half and lost 80lbs. As for the side affects? You just have to watch what you eat...simply as that. I never had any "accidents", just very minor symptoms when I slipped up and ate something I knew I shouldnt. I would totally recommend it. When I was completely dedicated to a healthy diet and…
  • I like to drink a slimfast for breakfast alot. Its quick and easy and I notice that unless I completely blow my diet, starting the day off with 180-200 calorie slimfast, makes it alot easier to stay on target with my total calories for the day.