halfabaileys Member


  • You know, I understand the rationale for your post but I really disagree with this statement. For some people, a 'simple' calorie deficit does not work! I spent months on a calorie controlled diet without losing a single lb! I followed Slimming World for years and lost 5 stone (70lb) but for some reason, when I gained…
  • Where can you buy DVDs?
  • Thanks for the add's folks, nice chats going on already. Les Mills is a series of fitness classes, if you google/you tube you can see more. They are addictive, fun and really work you hard!!
  • I googled. There's some "average" cals burned on the website/forum and I just added them to 'my exercises'
  • Bumping this up, anyone calorie counting, following slimming world or into les mills classes? Hi Lorraine, didn't see your post until now (nor yours Tina) as I mainly use the app. Wish you could access the forum with the app :-( Still looking for friends *sad face*