harmonikki Member


  • Awesome...I really wanna hear an unbiased opinion on it myself! I have several other Beach Body programs, but that one seems really fun, and I really like Autumn!
  • I just turned 33, have a 13 y/o daughter and I am a special education teachers aide. I've started Body Revolution a few times but never made it past the first month... Over the past 2 years I have gained an additional 40 lbs on top of the 60-70 lbs I already had to loose. Just under 3 weeks ago, my hubby and I said enough…
  • Thanks to everyone for the advice...lots of good advice so far, and as far as my shoes, I am wearing RunTones by Reebok, so that could be causing some of the "what seems like" additional pain, and I do run outside so I have small inclines that I do have to run up and down...I know i pretty much was jumping the gun, just…
  • This helped ALOT...Thanks...I actually usually run in the evenings cause of my schedule, plus my fiance can run with me then, but i'm finding that can be difficult sometimes especially if i've had a really hard day, or if i've not ate well, or ate to much for dinner...I decided to try the morning today, and actually really…
  • I really like either Kashi autumn harvest, cinnamon harvest? Or Quaker oats cold cereal...they are high carbon but natural whole grain n low in sugar, and super filling!
  • Welcome to MFP...If you need any help with anything, this is a great community...i have been here for 4 weeks, and there's no way i would have made it as far as I have without MFP!!! Good Luck in your endeavor!!!
  • Well the way I look at it Its YOUR wedding, and unique to only you...it doesn't matter if even your family didn't like it...cause as long as it's what YOU want then that's whats important...I know when I get married there will be parts of our weddding that some friends or family may not agree with or understand, but a…
  • WTG :D You look great!!!
  • I find that the Reisen Candies help me with my chocolate cravings...a serving is 4 pieces, but I usually can do 2-3 and i'm satisfied...i'm a big Chocoholic...but that really seems to help...
  • Yes, I always find the weekends to be difficult for me, because i'm away from my routine...M-F is so easy cause I have a set routine and schedule and my meals are planned out that morning or the night before...weekends i'm free to do whatever, and then you have family get togethers, haning out with friends, eating on the…
    in Weekends! Comment by harmonikki May 2011
  • I am working on becoming a runner too...along with my fiance...were not running much yet but the other night after walking 4 miles, half of that uphill, I got the urge to just run...and I ran .3 miles back to my house, and I have never felt so great! I train in sketchers tone-ups n I swear they make training go twice as…
  • Right now i'm just walking, and occasionally adding some short running...nothing too strenuous..but that is a good thought...tho I try to drink quite a bit of water in the evening especially after working out...I don't think it's muscle strain, tho of course it always could be...my job is sitting at a computer and taking…
  • I just got the kinect a couple of months ago...LUV it...but am trying to sell my Zumba to Get Biggest Loser...didn't particularly care for the ZUMBA...not cooridinated enough...lol...If I get my biggest loser i'll keep ya in mind :D
  • I've always had headaches, but these have been since i started the watching calories and working out regularly...about 3 weeks...I do have them most days, so days are worse than others...so start first thing in the morning, others not til later in the day...Most of the time they don't go away until I take something for…
  • To try2basunbeam : This is kind of how i've been...had them since highschool off and on all the time...they've just been worse and different recently... So just trying to find out if it's something specific i'm doing...I do know that not enough water causes them for me, and on weekends that's a big challenge...but during…
  • In response to the caffeine intake, no I haven't changed it dramatically..yes I do occasionally drink my dew, but I only did that occasionally before...and I haven't drastically changed my chocolate intake either...I know those are the obvious reason...wish it was that simple...thanks so far to the ones that have…