

  • Good luck! We're at about the same weight, with similar goals. You're on the right track with exercising (that's something I have yet to develop a habit of doing. UGH) We CAN do this!
  • I also prefer physical books while at home, but I enjoy my Kindle when traveling (and it negates the problem of taking 3 or 4 books with me because I don't know if I'll like the first or second that I take. LOL) It's much easier (for me) to flip through physical pages when looking back to find something that I can't…
  • When I was younger, I always felt that I needed to finish a book I started. I'm older (and wiser?) now, and sometimes I pick up and discard three books before I start one that I ultimately finish. I agree with some others . . . life is too short and my time too valuable to spend reading a book I'm not enjoying. That said,…
  • I'm not sure we like all the same kinds of books, but here are a few titles that I read and liked: The Night Circus Rain of Gold The Art of Racing in the Rain Sarah's Key Monique & the Mango Rain Dandelion Wine The Red Tent The Time Traveler's Wife The Birth House The Color of Water Let me know if you read any of them and…
  • I read Room a few months ago . . . it was good. Sad that real life scenarios like this happen (probably more than we know.)
  • going to look for it right now! Thanks for the review. :-)
  • Hi. I'm fairly new to this. When I open up these discussions, the OLDEST posts are first (some going back a couple of years) . . . is there some way to change it so that the NEWEST posts show up first? Thx.
  • I currently make egg salad using avocado rather than mayo (LOVE IT!), and I PLAN to make deviled eggs for 4th of July using avocado w/the yolks and just a dash of wasabi mayo. YUMMMMMM!
  • bump to return and make notes of these sites. [/quote] Hi. I'm fairly new to MFP. What does it mean to "bump"? How does one do that? Thanks much.
  • Hi, I'm Caron from Santa Barbara, CA. I recently joined MFP and just joined this group (because I love to lunch, and wine, and have fun with my women friends!) I'll be 60 this year, and my goal is to lose some weight and become more fit before then (November) without losing the ability to lunch and wine! LOL I am happily…
  • Hi, I'm Caron from Santa Barbara, CA. I recently joined MFP and just joined this group. I also love to read; have ever since I was a little girl (and I'm almost 60 now). I'm currently reading two books: City of Thieves and The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks - true story about a woman whose cancer cells were taken from…
  • Hi, I'm Caron, from Santa Barbara, CA. I have several adult hula hoops, but haven't ever really learned to use them well. I've recently joined MFP and this group. I'll look for some hula hoop videos on youtube, and I think I'll also look for some classes in town. I experience pain if on my feet for longer than about 10…
  • from Costco: the La Crema Chardonnay is a nice wine at about $14 bottle, and the Menage a Trois (blend of Zinfandel, Merlot, & Cabernet) is very decent at $7 a bottle. Enjoy!
  • This was my very satisfying sandwich yesterday: one Oroweat sandwich thin, toasted 2.7 oz can tuna 1 hard-boiled egg, chopped 1 tablespoon Best Foods Canola mayonnaise 1 tablespoon pickle relish Mix it all together (there was actually some left over, which I ate with a fork! :-) It was delish, and only 300 calories.