

  • I love my curly hair....when i have the time to do something with it. I have recently started letting it be curly on its own, except for my bangs (i straighten them, i hate them curly), and so I use a cocktail in my hair. I shampoo (with the Organix Coconut Milk line) about 2-3 times a week, use tons of conditioner, then I…
  • beans and rice together make a complete protien, eggs with some guacamole (very filling, gives a good protien boost for the morning), oatmeal with a sprinkling of nuts and raisins (honey for sweetner, and skim milk), and since we all hate veggies (well....) i like to add things to my salad that makes it taste good so i…
  • go shoe shopping at the end of the day when your feet are tired and sore and find wedges that feel good on your feet. I can walk/run in wedges all day long. Love them.