

  • I want to lose weight because I remember how much better I felt when I was lighter, my energy levels were higher and I was much more confident. In general I just want to be healthy, skinnier and avoid bringing harm to my body. There are so many conditions and diseases that can be avoided just by making small changes in…
    in Step 2 !!! Comment by 13melis92 May 2013
  • Hi there! Firstly congrats on the engagement! It is the perfect motivation. I think we can all relate to comfort eating, I think that's why I got to be as big as I am now. I'm 5"1' and at my heaviest (163), I hope to slim down to 125. So far I'm doing great, I'm new to MFP too but definitely not to dieting, I've tried a…
  • I have to say in the beginning it was hard ( I'm only a month in), but I did my research to find what foods would keep me full the longest and the best combinations of foods. Now I make sure I start my day off strong, as long as I do that I can keep going. It is at night time that the temptation hits for me, ice cream,…
    in Great !!! Comment by 13melis92 May 2013
  • Hi I'm Melissa! I'm fairly new to this whole program, I started at 170lbs. and my goal is 125lbs. I have a lot of support from family and my boyfriend who is also trying it out, but it's nice to have support from people who are going though the same thing.