PuppetPrincess Member


  • I didn't say what the comments where. You are judging me for judging them when you don't even know what they said. Ok I'm the negative person here.
  • You don't always have to talk about your changes for people to notice. I used to get weird comments from my coworkers when they would see my "way too healthy" lunches. I didn't tell them I was dieting or lifting weights. They would just feel bad about themselves because they would see me eating fruit and veggies while they…
  • :o Divorce or the need to borrow a shovel...
  • I'm pretty sure this is referring to magic pills and body wrap things. A kitchen scale, while a valuable weight loss tool, is just a basic kitchen tool. It was not invented for the weight loss purpose. There is a new trend in the states for this product line called "It Works". It's a pyramid style sales scheme that sells…
  • In reality, models should come in all shapes and sizes because they are usually selling products to people of all shapes and sizes. That is what the industry doesn't seem to get. The long running trend is to have severely underweight models, however, in recent years there has been a push for plus size models. The problem…
  • Apparently he is racist. But also a hypocrite. With his porn search history I would say he sees "curvy ethnic girls" as sexual objects. Fun to use, but not acceptable to bring home to mom.
  • Clicking with someone emotionally and being sexually attracted are not the same thing unfortunately. There are a million reasons this person could have for not seeing you that way. What gets everyone going is different and personal. Size matters to some people. Some people are turned on by skinny girls and some love chubby…
  • Dark chocolate is actually not bad for you. It's the sugar that is considered unhealthy so I usually keep 75% cocoa or higher around for when I crave it. As far as I am concerned the higher the cocoa percentage the yummier it is.
  • Self practice at home? Yeah all the time. To a class? Uh no. Pretty much none of the outfits I wear for yoga would really stay put during down dog. I would be too distracted thinking about accidentally flashing a classmate to really enjoy my practice. I usually wear a very soft sports bra so it is not constricting but no…
  • When I originally lost the bulk of my weight I started dieting with both my mother and best friend. We were all overweight and wanted to do something about it. A year or so later we were all still dieting. I was nearly 40lbs down and the two of them had struggled with sticking to things and gained all and more weight back.…
  • Our post office is awful. It is actually a huge common problem around here. About half my packages claim to be delivered according to tracking but never show up. There was once that I suddenly had half a dozen boxes show up.... 4 months after they had gone missing and been replaced by the stores I had purchased from. They…
  • Yeah... the whole, "you can't do that around me because I am on a diet" thing is bogus and annoying. You choose what you eat while I choose what I eat. Having food restrictions means I just have to figure out what on the menu I can eat, not that I get to dictate where we eat every time. If you really cannot be around…
  • What kind of chocolate do you eat? Super dark chocolate is actually good for you and has been found to curb the appetite. By super dark I mean 75% cocoa or higher. The higher the cocoa percentage, the lower the sugar content. Which is rather bitter of you are used to milk chocolate. However, letting a very small piece of…
  • Spelling is hard when you don't eat enough calories to have proper brain function.
  • I prefer using youtube for yoga videos. There are a lot of free yoga teachers on there with routines of any length or focus you could ask for. Some of my favorites are Yoga with Adriene, Yoga by Candace, Yoga TX, Ekhart Yoga, and Doyouyoga.