

  • This sentence sums it up and says it all: "You can't get to where you want to be unless you take moments to visualize your goals and work out ways to achieve those goals." Visualize it, then work out ways to achieve it
  • What I like about this post is that it encourages me. Want to know why? Because, I have a hard time imagining myself lose the 150 lbs that I have still yet to go. I am eating clean and exercising and I have lost 31 lbs so far, but this reminds me that in order to get to my goal, I do have to visualize it, be able to see it…
  • Sounds delicious! Must try!
  • Haven't had the noodles yet, but I have had the rice and it wasn't that bad. I agree that you do have to wash them very well and dry them and they will absorb the flavor of your food. I will eat them again. I bought them at my local grocery store, but you can also buy them online. Here's the website:…
  • Hi Everyone, I am also new and looking for weight loss buddies to keep me on track. I have been on for about a month, but after recently visiting a weight loss center for help, I got the extra nudge I needed to be more persistent with my tracking. So far so good. I've been logging on daily for the last week. My goal is to…