The weight loss power of imagination

I'm not sure who wrote this, but I saw it today and I love it and definitely need to read this to myself over and over again. Felt the need to share, so here goes:

The Weight Loss Power Of Imagination
Did you know that your brain doesn't know the difference between what is real and what is imagined? Think about it, if you go to a scary movie, when you leave the theater aren't you just a little bit more on edge. You might check the back seat of the car to see if someone's back there or check under the bed before going to get the picture.

Your imagination can create some pretty amazing things (and they don't have to be scary.) Accomplishing your goals starts with visualization, a picture of where you want to be, what you want to do, how you want to feel, and how you want to look. Now, go ahead and start visualizing.

Visualize in you mind a picture of yourself (in as much detail as possible) looking the way you want to look, feeling the way you want to feel. What's your energy level? What all can you do with that energy? What are you wearing? Is it that little black dress or those jeans you have in the back of your closet? What are you doing? Are you going dancing, out to dinner with your friends, or enjoying your family. You can't get to where you want to be unless you take moments to visualize your goals and work out ways to achieve those goals.

Now, close your eyes and imagine.

Imagine with all your mind
Believe with all your heart
Achieve with all your might


  • Ainar
    Ainar Posts: 858 Member
    Have to be careful not to stuck in dream world tho. So many people like to imagine how their future gonna be and what they gonna do but never actually act on it...
  • LongIsland27itl
    LongIsland27itl Posts: 365 Member
    ^^^true action is required but the very first step is always visualization
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Imagination can't cause weight loss. It can help push you towards your goals, but diet and exercise are the only things which will cause you to lose weight.
  • irma0502
    irma0502 Posts: 30 Member
    I imagine myself as a fine slender chic sexy french woman and suddenly curbing cravings and working out are not as hard
  • KatieBee8
    KatieBee8 Posts: 61
    People can be so cynical and downbeat on here. :grumble:

    I love your post. I personally use this to motivate me with my diet. Focusing on who and what I want to be is enough for me to avoid all of the crap I used to eat. :smile:
  • morpheousneo
    morpheousneo Posts: 62 Member
    I love this. Nice topic. It is that whole thing of 'You are what you think'. And I believe that is true. If you tell yourself that you have no willpower or control, then that is how it will be. If you wake up everyday and the first thing in your mind is 'I am so depressed, you will continue to be depressed. After reading like a page of The Secret one day a few years back, I decided that I was going to be happy and I cannot say that I am 100% upbeat and happy-go-lucky but I have not suffered from depression since. The power of the mind is incredible and I am now using it to regain a more healthy lifestyle. Then I will turn my mind to money for backpacking next year :D
  • katinachaos
    katinachaos Posts: 90 Member
    Fake it 'til you make it! The more I tell myself I love my body and I love the gym and I don't realllly like bread and cheese by the pound, the more I can trick myself into actually believing it!
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    Lovely. I go there everyday, re-affirming where I want to be and how I am going to get there.
    I also imagine a message board where if people didn't have anything positive to say they didn't say anything at all!

  • Very Nice! I am trying to commit to a daily meditation practice and this fits in so well - thank you :)
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    People can be so cynical and downbeat on here. :grumble:

    I love your post. I personally use this to motivate me with my diet. Focusing on who and what I want to be is enough for me to avoid all of the crap I used to eat. :smile:

    It isn't necessarily cynicism that you are seeing, it's realism. I think the whole imagination thing is a pretty romantic notion to people who have been there, done that, and tried everything. If it works for some people, that's awesome, other people think it's just a math equation to lose weight - calories in vs. calories out.

  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    People can be so cynical and downbeat on here. :grumble:

    I love your post. I personally use this to motivate me with my diet. Focusing on who and what I want to be is enough for me to avoid all of the crap I used to eat. :smile:

    It isn't necessarily cynicism that you are seeing, it's realism. I think the whole imagination thing is a pretty romantic notion to people who have been there, done that, and tried everything. If it works for some people, that's awesome, other people think it's just a math equation to lose weight - calories in vs. calories out.

    Yup. I am an all out realist. It's the best way to be as it doesn't give you false hope. Imagination will not make you slim.
  • What I like about this post is that it encourages me. Want to know why? Because, I have a hard time imagining myself lose the 150 lbs that I have still yet to go. I am eating clean and exercising and I have lost 31 lbs so far, but this reminds me that in order to get to my goal, I do have to visualize it, be able to see it in my mind so that I can reach it. No one can imagine themselves slim. If they could, then we wouldn't be here on this page talking about it. It takes a lot of hard work, dedication and support. Thanks to everyone who understands that and is here to work hard and support one another. Best wishes to everyone on your journey.
  • KatieBee8
    KatieBee8 Posts: 61
    People can be so cynical and downbeat on here. :grumble:

    I love your post. I personally use this to motivate me with my diet. Focusing on who and what I want to be is enough for me to avoid all of the crap I used to eat. :smile:

    It isn't necessarily cynicism that you are seeing, it's realism. I think the whole imagination thing is a pretty romantic notion to people who have been there, done that, and tried everything. If it works for some people, that's awesome, other people think it's just a math equation to lose weight - calories in vs. calories out.

    Yup. I am an all out realist. It's the best way to be as it doesn't give you false hope. Imagination will not make you slim.

    Really? Because I lost 32lbs through the power of my imagination. :wink:

    I think the post was intended to be a light-hearted and uplifting topic that could motivate people. I don't think it's meant to be taken literally. It's stating the obvious to say 'imagination won't make you slim' and it wasn't the point of the topic. I am a realist also and I take a very practical approach to dieting but there's nothing wrong with keeping that romantic notion in mind.
  • This sentence sums it up and says it all: "You can't get to where you want to be unless you take moments to visualize your goals and work out ways to achieve those goals."

    Visualize it, then work out ways to achieve it