emy61032 Member


  • yes! Also, I am trying out the free trial of the upgrade. So far, not impressed (with the upgrade, that is). I am not seeing anywhere we can supposedly get coaching. Does anyone know how the coaching works?(sorry for the change of topic there)
  • Also, just want to add that I'm trying interval training with walking. It SEEMS like it's increasing my (sluggish and slow) metabolism. (there's few things I can do without hurting my back really badly, so I have to be very careful with exercise). I think the interval walking is really helping-at least it feels like it.…
  • I have some of those very same issues. It's very frustrating. Have you had your thyroid checked? Sometimes I think that weight loss really is so much more than just logging calories and exercising. If our metabolism is out of whack (from a slow thyroid, for example), it can be a real up-hill battle.
  • I've taken Lexapro and tried to lose weight, and it was nearly impossible. As soon as I went off of it, I lost 10 lbs in a month.
  • Hershey's bliss are small pieces of chocolate and only 35 calories each. I eat 1 or 2 of the dark chocolate ones every day and it works. Maybe something like that would be a good substitute and help control the temptation.
  • I lost 14 lbs last summer and it felt so fabulous. I remember how great it felt to be thinner and fit into smaller clothes. Also, I wasn't embarrassed when the camera added those extra 10 lbs (that felt like it was adding 20). Unfortunately, I gained all of those 14 lbs back, so I am starting a weight loss journey again. I…
  • I struggle wth binge-eating as well. I have also found that not having trigger foods in the house (no more Nutella for me, b/c the whole jar would be gone very quickly. Also, I try to keep sweets in the house to a minimum). I think that learning when I'm actually hungry physically, and trying to keep myself full with the…
  • feel free to add me! I have been logging on every day, and plan to through the summer.
  • yes-magnesium. I used to get charlie horses all the time. And, since taking calcium-magnesium supplements I rarely get them anymore.