bella_vista Member


  • The only way you can survive the weekend is have a plan and stay active. We are good through the week because of the structure. You can make your decisions before you go out, and stick to your plan, and you can make it through the weekend.
  • I think your going to have a hard time with the food choices. It's high carb, high sugar. Even dropping your calorie doesn't make too much sense, but then again I don't know your appropriate caloric targets for weight loss. You'd do better with consistency, then yo-yoing. That kind of stuff can bite you in the long run.…
  • Ha! That is SOO funny, because it SOO true! Thanks for your witty insight. After a life time of trying this and that, I am a huge advocate for all natural, whole food eating. Balance is the only way to go, and there are no quick fixes for self control.
  • You received so much good advice! I know that I personally had to start with baby steps. Of all the advice given, what is one or two things your willing to change in your eating habits? I would almost wager a bet that you are hungry because you are not eating enough real food, and what you do ingest is stripping your body…
  • Breaking the addiction to food is the hardest thing to do. I am right there with you! I am much better than I was, and now I have more success in NOT eating and going to my hobbies. I generally will have a low cal protein shake too. This helps. I learned a lot about emotional eating from Overeaters Anonymous. I am not…