Pinkahlicious Member


  • Ok, I didn't really need any sarcastic comments. I had a question, I got answers. I asked genuine follow up questions. I thanked people for their responses and information. I wish I got more objective responses, and less judgmental quips. No need for any further replies and Thank You again to those who responded with…
  • Thanks for the advice. Those are some things I can do. But I have to ask, why do you say cleanses aren't a thing? Is there a reason you don't like them? Have you tried and they don't help you? I have heard people say they love them.
  • Hi there! I have a 7 week old (tomorrow) little girl, I also have a 12 year old girl. I have 5 weeks left of maternity leave and I have decided to start watching what I am doing. I have lost 20 lbs since her birth, I had gained 45 with this pregnancy. So hopefully I can get all that off, and then some. I am looking to lose…
  • Yea I set to maintain and that's where it put me. So....I don't want to try to lose or eat less than I should be I just don't want to eat more! Time to exercise is the hardest, plus I'm tired. My 11 year old is pretty severly disabled, so when I get home I try to take over for my husband who's a SAHD. Her behaviors are…
  • They did with my last pregnancy, hence the 60lb gain. Every one was life "you're eating for two" blah blah. That's how I got in trouble, I was 19 never been over weight didn't even cross my mind that I would gain like I did. This time I have talked to my Dr about my weight, just did yesterday. She says my 12lb gain half…
  • I'm almost positive that that will not be the case with me. With my daughter I gained more in the last 2 months than I had gained before that. She was a huge baby 8lbs 14 oz, 22.5 inches long, plus I got +3 edema. The edema was what did me in. I have my ultrasound tomorrow with my check up after, so I'll be asking about my…
  • Thanks! I know I'm looking at some hard work when I'm all healed up from my c-section with this one but it's worth it. I'm excited to finally be having another kid, we waited a long time for various reasons to have another so we just couldn't wait any longer when everything feel into place (except me losing weight before…
  • I did the same thing. Remember what you did last time to lose the weight and do it again. That's what I tell myself anyways...I've started again and doing well, so far. I am trying hard to stay on track. GOOD LUCK!!!
  • I deleted my account from last year and recently re-joined to start over....I sent you a request :bigsmile:
  • The only way to get a more accurate measure of calories burned is buying a HRM. I love mine, because as you stated I burn relatively more than what MFP says I do. I am 5'2" - I don't know if that makes any difference though...but a HRM is a good way to get a better more accurate number.
  • You guys are all so awesome thanks for all the requests!