

  • Thanks for the tips.. I dont really know when the headaches happen sometimes in the evening sometimes in the morning. Ideally I would love not to drink caleries... its to easy to do.
  • My number is really low but I didnt get my pedomemeter on and working until about 6:30 in the evening so I am happy that I at least got 1266 tracked. Hopefully tomorrow I can get at least 10,000!
  • I am frustrated... I guess I should have made sure my pedometer was good to go yesterday. Its only about 6 months old but has a few days of use on it and the battery that came with it is all corroded. :( So I will get out to the store today but that means I wont be logging steps till tomorrow. I am so mad at myself! I hope…
  • I cant wait for that!
  • How I we going to check on eachother? Is everyone excited to start the challenge tomorrow?
  • You know a few years ago I gave up soda all together for a few months. I felt great off of it but I tried it again evenetually and it tatsed off. That should have been a reminder this stuff is crap instead I kept drinking it till my love for it came back. I am going out today and my norm would be to grab a soda I think Ill…
  • I dont know if I can do 10000 a day but I sure want to try. My knee is injurred but this would be perfect for me. I can walk I just cant to running or jumping or anthing intense quite yet. I have a pedometer Ill have to pull it out and make sure I know how to use it. So glad I found this post!
  • I just tried one this week that was a huge hit. I was nervous to try it because it called for blueberries which I am not a huge fan of. But we loved it... My 5 year old put all the ingredients and was sad she didnt get a 3rd glass... lol 1 banana 1 med sized orange 1/2 cup blueberriers 3/4 cup water 1 cup of ice - if using…
  • I wish I could take a different route but every way has lots of fast crap (food). They like to have these places everywhere! I am going to discipline myself I am worth it and my children need their mom around so I am going to have to keep that in my head. You would think this would be easier for me with the fact that I…
  • I would think you could either omit the turkey or just add which ever protein you prefer.... not sure though. They do look good tho! Thanks for sharing!!!
  • Thanks for all of the tips... I try and not make any leftover or my husband or I will eat it because "its there" Maybe I could make some single serve portions and foodsaver it. I have some really yummy bread that I get at the apline store that is a multgrain I just didnt know a good option for topping. I am not a mustard…
  • only way to do a baked potatoes that i know of is with lots of butter cheese and sour cream... how could i make this differently?