is this crazy?



  • You know a few years ago I gave up soda all together for a few months. I felt great off of it but I tried it again evenetually and it tatsed off. That should have been a reminder this stuff is crap instead I kept drinking it till my love for it came back.

    I am going out today and my norm would be to grab a soda I think Ill stop by a store get a some containers so its easier for me to carry around my water or my new fave lemon water.
  • kyregi
    kyregi Posts: 55 Member
    Are you eating breakfast with your kids in the morning at home? If not, try that. Sitting down with the kids teaching them about a healthy breakfast is great already. And one thing I do (not necessarily with breakfast but with other meals or chores around the house I did not like/hated to do in the past): You are moving around preparing the meal. Check under "Cooking Food Preparation". Those are not a lot of calories you are burning but a few. So that is then the double-whammy: Eating healthy And burning calories ;-) You don't do that in a drive-thru
  • mk820
    mk820 Posts: 137 Member
    Pack your lunch and eat it on the way home. that way you would have to put down your food to order.
  • princesshoagie
    princesshoagie Posts: 34 Member
    If it really is that big of a temptation that you can't ignore, I found what was easy for me is to make a deal with myself. First, no drive thru. If you reallllly want that Taco Bell, you can have it, but only if you park, go inside, order, sit down, and eat it inside the restaurant. This has persuaded me so many times I can't count. If I'm going to go through all that hassle and have to deal with all those calories, it'd be easier and faster just to go on home and eat. Try that out!
  • blen85
    blen85 Posts: 77 Member
    I dont think you should have to sacrafice eating out.. don't be miserable about being on a diet.. its okay to eat out here and there its more of portion control and picking your choices wisely.. that's what I do.. I sometimes crave mcdonalds frappe's and for a medium is about 400 calories.. but then the rest of the day I strictly watch what I eat..
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Have a look in your library or bookshop for "Fast Food Nation". This book put me right off fast food - learning about how they manipulate us into wanting their food, and manipulate food producers and suppliers into producing exactly what they need at ridiculously low prices made me mad as hell and determined not to go in there!
  • kelley4123
    kelley4123 Posts: 100 Member
    Are you eating a good breakfast before you set off?
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