Arloma Member


  • "Also, like others have said, most can lose weight on more than 1200 calories, so why would you force yourself to eat less? I completely understand though, that some short petite women can eat 1200 calories and be just fine. " I'm one of those short petite women; 5'3" with about 8-9 more lbs to my goal. My daily calorie…
  • Having once briefly been put on medication for high blood pressure (in my early 40's! yikes) I knew that I didn't want to be dependent on medication for the rest of my life. Through diet and exercise I was able to ditch the pills rather quickly. Diabetes runs in my family so my discipline comes from approaching this life…
  • My teenage son was the only one who knew when I was doing weight watchers for a very short time. He and I shared a desktop and the site was always open and minimized. I stopped when I reached my goal last year. Between this summer and about a month ago I gained almost 10 lbs back so I restarted logging here on MFP which I…
  • Great story! Thank you for sharing and good luck to you for the rest of your journey and beyond. Looking forward to hearing from you again when you get to your goal weight.
  • Yes I have actually. About 3-4 years ago I was diagnosed with high BP and prescribed medication (not Losartan) which I fought my doctor tooth and nail. Four days into taking it I was so sick I could not get out of bed. She said it was the medication bringing my pressure down. I opted to change my diet and increase my…
  • Same here. I was beginning to think I was strange or something because my experience was so different from most of the other posters. I tried one bottle - can't remember how much I paid - but didn't notice any significant weight loss that I can attribute to it nor did I have any of the side effects mentioned on here or…
  • Quiet or not, your story is an amazing success and I enjoyed reading all of it. Thank you for sharing it. I know it will be a great inspiration and motivation for many here, including me. Keep on doing just what you're doing. You can have your sugar and it too; just don't let the pounds creep back on!
  • It is realistic if you think of it and work at it not as 30-40 lbs. to lose but in small, daily and consistent decisions of eating healthier foods, getting adequate exercise and generally taking better care of yourself. Set small weekly/monthly weight loss goals like previous poster vorgas said and you will see the weight…
  • Thank you for sharing your amazing journey. You clearly worked hard and you MAHVELOUS (in your best Billy Crystal impression)! I'm curious as to why you say you lost friends along the way?
  • I'm also doing this from outside the US. Where I live, the kinds of foods I would love to eat more of - fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds etc. - cost considerably more than the states so I end up having to compromise and become very creative. Still, I used MFP for a shot time earlier this year and lost…
  • I'm almost identical to you in terms of experience; I had finally reached my goal weight a few months ago but due to travel, over confidence, laziness and other obstacles I stopped using MFP and the pounds are creeping back on. As of today though I'm determined to lose them again and be back in my healthy weight range.…
  • Wonderful idea! Having a tangible incentive is great motivation. I've done it before, usually with a dress that I couldn't zip up all the way. That's going to be my goal again this time as well - my white linen sheath dress that finally fit last year but I'm afraid to try on now because I've gained back several pounds…
  • Good health and long life! About 6 years ago I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and my doctor started me on medication which promptly made me very sick. She said it was because my blood pressure had been high for so long and the medication was now starting to work. I saw other members of my family and others I knew…
  • I'm sorry for the way you're feeling about yourself and like some of the other posters said, I hope you can truly find a way to begin to accept and love yourself with or without professional help. I think you look beautiful - you're smiling with both your mouth and your eyes and it makes you look very happy and confident.…
  • Eat to Live or Eat for Health, both by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. He promotes a mostly, but not entirely, plant based diet (greens fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds) focusing on those that have the highest nutrient density. Would suggest checking out the website for more info. All the best, you look like you're doing great so far -…