kmreynolds11 Member


  • I think your numbers look normal. I also weigh myself daily and notice that my weight can go up/down within a 1-2lb range at any given time... usually due to water, weighing at a different time of day, what I'm wearing, a day that I worked out more than usual, or a day where I had rather high sodium or went over my calorie…
  • I know... I know... I've been MIA for quite some time! Sorry ladies... I guess I just switched gears a few weeks ago, got crazy busy at work, and have dropped the MFP ball a bit. Got a few minutes to surf the web and found myself on here catching up... From reading your posts from the last few weeks, I'm so impressed with…
  • Goodness… I’m so far behind! Sorry I’ve been MIA ladies. I’ve been trying to log in every couple of days to read up on how well you’re all doing… but haven’t had a chance to respond and update you all! Finally have a chance to say “HI!” :flowerforyou: to you all and hit a few highlights: Jane – I’m so happy that you made…
  • Checking in to see if any of the new birth stories are posted! Can't wait to hear about them!!!! :wink:
  • Welcome, Emily! Mamas... what do Braxton Hicks contractions feel like? How many of you feel them? I assumed by now I would have felt the BH... but unless I'm totally oblivious and am just missing them (if that's possible), I don't think I have. Just curious!
  • Cool... thanks for the responses, ladies. Kelley - that's weird, the nurse last night said something about the eye drops being state law in MD?! Jalyn - thanks for the info on the hearing screening... I had no idea what was involved.
  • Hi ladies! :wink: Welcome to the 3rd Tri, Melissa! I agree... it's been slow in here and I'm sure you and Jalyn can help spice it up and keep us all moving and motivated! Jalyn... glad you feel better about your decision with your admin and best wishes with your at-home business. Sounds like fun! Kelley - glad you're…
  • Hi ladies, :flowerforyou: Amanda & Jalyn – LOVE the new pics! Very cute. Yolie – Congrats on the date… May 14th… you’re so close! :bigsmile: Millions – You are my hero. Great job with joining the gym and staying active! Have fun at aqua aerobics. Great goals… except now, all of a sudden, I feel like I have to go home after…
  • Oh geez.... I've been a MFP bum lately! Spring seems to have made life super, super busy and I've been searching for more hours in the day to do everything I need to... or just to have a few minutes to relax and read up on the group! Congrats to all the new mamas! I love looking at the new baby pics that pop up! :love:…
  • HI, LADIES! How are you all? I can’t believe how fast time is flying by… so many new babies coming soon! Sharon –My work is on the Big Island I think. That’s so cool that you’re from Hawaii! How’s your back? I haven’t had any back pain yet, but I think I might if my belly keeps growing! I feel like such an…
  • Hi Ladies! So happy it’s FRIDAY! :tongue: Work has been super busy lately (which is why I’ve been MIA)… and I don’t think it will be slowing up any time soon. It looks like I’ll be working my butt off right up until Baby Quin shows up. It actually kind of stinks… at work I’m planning a project that’s scheduled in Hawaii…
  • Finally… a little time to write back and comment! FYI – That “I’m pregnant and I know it” video was funny, but kinda disturbing. I don’t know what teenage boys would ever decide to make a home music video about being pregnant. Pretty weird stuff! Thanks for all the input about taking back some of this excess stuff! I think…
  • I'm definitely going to check out the "Pregnant and I Know It!" video tonight when I get home (don't want to look up that one on the work computer!) :laugh: Quick Monday checkin - read through your ladies posts... sounds like everyone's busy and has some good stuff going on! Keep up the good work, mamas! I had a busy, busy…
  • Melissa - I'm thinking about trying the gdiapers too. I love the idea of having the disposable or cloth liner option, but hate that they are not a one-size option (i.e. you have to keep buying new size shells --$$ --ugh!) busyPK - THANK YOU for all the info! This is great!!!!
  • Oh yes... can't wait to hear from Heather!
  • Hi ladies! :smile: Tara - How are you? How does your chest feel? Did they ever figure out what was going on??? Kelley - Hoorayyyyy on a great babymoon! :drinker: It sounds like you all had a fabulous time and I'm a touch jealous of your beach and pool time! Hope you got in some great relaxing and are all geared up for the…
  • Wow! You're so close!
  • Hey... where did all my friends go?! :ohwell: Hope all you ladies are doing well, this fine Hump Day! :drinker:
  • <~~~~~~~UPDATED BELLY PIC! Taken this morning by the hubby. Geez... is that what I really look like?! hehe :laugh: Now that the weather's been getting nicer, I've been missing my usual activities (flag football, running, kickball, nights out with friends... ) much, much more. I would say I don't mind being preggo... but…
  • Hellooooooooooooooo out there?! Geez… this board has become a ghost town! Hope everyone’s hanging on. Who’s the next mom up for delivery? Rachel – Good luck holding out until the Dr. gets back in town. So on March 26th… you’ll be 39w2d? No problem! Don’t worry about making plans. I sorta feel like people will understand if…
  • HI LADIES! :smile: :wink: Tara – Glad you finished up your class and checked the box on writing your exam paper. Great job on the walk today---I’ve been majorly slacking this week. By the way, you have to be the best delivery date predicter around! I can’t believe you! Fitnurse – Yay on a great wedding weekend. I hear ya…
  • Just popping in quickly to say Hi! :happy: Been busy at work and heading out early for a busy afternoon with my husband. We're going to watch his old college baseball team play and say hi to his old coaches, then out to a special dinner date at a fondue restaurant, and finally to the hospital for tonight's tour! I can't…
  • Good advice, Sarah! I'll definitely be careful with signing forms... and I'll prepare my usually laid-back husband to have to step up the assertiveness if he needs to! The standard procedures that she named were basically about time limits they have. For example... you're hooked up to an IV/fluids immediately and then they…
  • Good morning, ladies! :smile: Thank you all so much for your support and advice. After a lot of deep breaths and talking things over with my incredible hubby... I think I have a plan. We are going for our hospital tour tommorrow. I'm going to use the opportunity to ask lots and lots of questions of the non-negotiable…
  • Oooh... I like Ashton Liam! Although... "Dash" is pretty stinkin cute! I don't think you can go wrong with either choice. :wink: Just got back from my appt and feeling quite disheartened. :grumble: My Dr. asked if I had any questions leading up to delivery and I commented that I would really like to have as little medical…
  • YAY for FRIDAY! :tongue: Goodness... this was a busy board the last two days! I was in training all day yesterday (away from my computer) and didn't get a chance to check-in to chat. Sounds like everyones doing well... now its time to catch up... Heather - Push out that kid already! Can't believe he's still hanging on in…
  • YAY – I love hearing from the new moms! :bigsmile: Thanks so much for checking in, ladies. Jessica – glad you’re adjusting to your leap year baby. :wink: Denise – sounds like you’ve had an eventful few days. Best wishes and prayers for a healthy little one… I really hope the jaundice and bellyrubin clear up. Keep up your…
  • Wow, Tara - you had a busy weekend! Geez.... all the talkative ladies on this board just had their babies! :smile: It's been quiet on here the last few days! (Does that mean more of you had your babies?!?!?!?) I have some good news and some bad news: GOOD --> A girl at work brought in a whole bunch of hand-me-down baby…
  • I'm so glad it's FRIDAY! :glasses: Took a great walk at lunch today and heading out to a magic show tonight with some girlfriends! (I really hope I'll be able to stay awake past 8pm!) :laugh: One of my friends actually just broke the news that she's expecting too... so I can't wait to see her new little bump and catch up…
  • Welcome, newbies! :wink: Just had a quick minute to read up on how everyone's doing... sounds like we've got a a bunch of busy, busy 2nd Tri mamas on here! Great job everyone! Hearing about how everyone's doing definitely keeps me motivated and moving! Beautiful day here today. 65 and sunny! :glasses: Which means.... the…